Chapter 4

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The orange light of the dying sun paints the water of the themse.
More people have gathered around the riverside now, watching the colourful sunset.
Couples hold each other kissing sweetly and I watch them in awe.
I have always admired the people that are in romantic and stable relationships, my parents were never romantic towards each other always fighting rather than kissing.
Elise gets up next to me and offers me her hand.
"Come one let's get a drink", she tells me and I let her pull me up.
To no surprise the streets are still filled with people, now they are not dressed in formal attire anymore but in sparkly party dresses and pretty button down shirts.
The first few pubs are completely full and we are about to give up and just head home and drink a beer from the supermarket, but suddenly I spot the small sign of a pub on the corner of a quieter street.
"Look", I call out to Elise who is typing away on her phone.
"This one is not even on Google", she frowns and I roll my eyes.
"But apparently it is there, so let's go inside", I pressure her and we enter through a wooden door.
The pub is called the Hunter and the Fox and the inside reminds me of a museum.
Hunting trophies such as stuffed animals and horns are on the walls, the light is dim and the bar man is heavily tattooed and has a thick dark beard.
In the far back of the pub we find two couches that face each other with a low table between them.
We sit down opposite from each other so we are able to have a good conversation without breaking our necks trying to look each other in the eye.
I get up to order some drinks because I am more confident in speaking English than Elise is.
The bar man is friendly and patient because I take a little longer to figure out what coin in my pocket is what.
Internally I curse the fact that after the Brexit there is no chance for the British to get the Euro.
"Here ya go, have a nice evening", he smiles friendly and I balance the two pints of cider back to our table.
"To my amazing best friend", I cheer and she raises her glass.
"To you Vic, and to new adventures", she cheers and we clink glasses over the table, spilling a little bit of the cider on the wood.
The pub is now filling up quickly, more and more people pile in and take their seats.
"They found our secret pub", Elise laughs and empties her glass with a big gulp.
"And it is not even on Google", I mock her and she gives me the finger.
"Another round, I am paying", Elise grabs the empty glass from my hand and gets up to get some more drinks.
Her English magically gets better when she drinks so she is more confident in ordering drinks by herself.
I take out my phone while I wait for her to come back and I scroll through my messages and social media.
My mother had tried to call me so I quickly tell her that I am alright and that I will try to call her as soon as things have quieted down a little bit and I am all settled in.
Someone lightly touching my shoulder snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn around.
I expected it to be Elise so I am very taken aback when I look into a pair of blue eyes.
"Excuse me, I didn't mean to scare you, the pub is quite crowded and we were wondering if we could sit here with you", he speaks and gestures to the seat next to me and to the couch opposite.
I finally peel my eyes from his and look at the rest of him.
My breath hitches in my throat as I am about to say something because just now I realise who is standing in front of me.
Famous Irish singer Niall Horan with his friend Lewis Capaldi.
I am probably pretty rude just staring and not speaking, so I quickly nod.
"Sure, my best friend is sitting there but there is plenty of space left", I point at Elises bags.
"Great", Niall flops down on the couch next to me and I wish for Elise to come back sooner.
I am not good with small talk, especially when it is with two famous singers.
"I reckon you know who we are?", Lewis speaks up and I nod again, not trusting myself what I might blurt out.
"Thank you for not screaming, we appreciate that", Niall says and I chuckle slightly.
"Don't get the screaming at all", I answer with a smile and he laughs.
Lewis gets up to get some drinks for both of the boys just as Elise comes back.
This time we are drinking white wine and she bents down to hand me my glass.
That's when she notices Niall sitting next to me and she nearly spills the wine on my jeans.
"Hey", Niall raises his hand in a greeting manner and Elise takes a seat.
"Hi, well this is strange", she breathes out and takes a big sip of her wine.
I am so grateful that she is definitely less awkward and nervous than I am.
For me it is not even the fact that a world famous singer is sitting next to me in a overcrowded London Pub but the fact that I get nervous around boys in general.
Probably the reason why I never had a boyfriend in my 24 years of existence, I just get scared to say something stupid and I overthink so much that I do end up saying something stupid.
"You don't bring a Bodyguard?", Elise asks curiously and looks around as Niall shakes his head.
"Nah, usually there are no people our age in here", he says and I look around.
It is true, nearly everyone is in their late thirties and they don't look like they would recognise Niall or Lewis.
"Maybe this is why this Pub isn't on Google", I tell Elise and Niall laughs.
"It's not a secret spot just for me and my mates, the bar man doesn't like having the quirky tourists here", he explains and I blush slightly.
I definitely did not think that but it is too late for me to explain because Elise had already changed the subject again.
The way she effortlessly makes small talk with a famous singer makes me believe that she would definitely make an amazing fashion model, joining the high society.
Lewis comes back with to pints of Guiness and we all clink glasses while Elise toasts "To an amazing night and to fun new friends".
I doubt that Niall and Lewis actually want to spend their night with us but they don't say anything.
I sip on my wine while I listen to the conversation they are having, Elise is naturally a flirt even though she has a boyfriend.
"Where are you from?", Niall asks me directly since Lewis and Elise are engaged in a conversation.
"Germany", I answer and my fingers play with the bracelets on my left wrist.
It is like a coping mechanism for me as long as my hands are somewhat occupied I am not as nervous.
"That is cool, I have been there a couple of times", he says.
"Would be kind of weird of me to ask where you are from right?", I chuckle and ai am surprised at myself for trying to keep the conversation going.
"I guess it would. Are you a fan?".
"I know who you are, I know some of your songs but I wouldn't say I am a fan", I answer truthfully.
"Maybe that'll change though", I add with a smirk and he laughs.
He whips out his phone and leans over to me so I can see what he is doing.
"I will make you a spotify playlist of all of my favourites", he explains and I watch as he eagerly scrolls through his own album.
"Playlist for Vic" he names the playlist and I laugh.
"No one besides Elise calls me Vic, it is such a boys name", I tell him and he chuckles deeply.
"I like it, it suits you better than Vicky and Victoria is just way too long".
Heat raises to my cheeks and I don't know if it is for the boy who is sitting next to me or the alcohol in my system.
"Now that I know your favourite songs of yourself, which is a little arrogant to be fair, you could tell me what other songs you like to listen to", I tell him and I know that the alcohol is definitely loosening my tongue.
He has a throaty laugh and his eyes crinkle as he shakes his head and turns back to look at me.
We are rather close, I can see the stubble on his chin and the darker specks of blue in his eyes, despite the fact that the light is so dim.
"What about you follow me on Spotify and I will create a daily playlist for you?", he suggests and my eyes light up.
"Sure, I love finding new music", I tell him and try to suppress a yawn but with no luck.
"Tired love?", he asks me and I nod, not believing my ears.
Did he just call me love?
Elise had leaned her head on her hand and I see that she is tired as well, no surprise since we have been up for more than 12 hours by now.
"We have to go now", I tell Niall apologisingly and I can feel a uncomfortable pulling in my chest.
It was such a nice evening, we talked about me moving here, them planning new music and crazy Fans.
I don't want to leave but it is already super late and we do need to do a lot more for my flat tomorrow.
If I am not mistaken I can see a little bit of sadness in Nialls face as I mention us leaving.
Before we go both of us need the toilet so we make our way through the pub.
"He likes you Vicky", Elise blurts and I shake my head violently.
"He is being nice Elise, I bet all they wanted was a nice night out and due to you talking like a waterfall they were obliged to talk to us", I tell her and she pushes me slightly.
We finally find the toilets and luckily there isn't much of a queue.
"I am telling you Vicky, he was trying to make a move, you were both so close to eachother", she tells me again while we wash our hands in the small sink.
"You are too desperately trying to find me a man", I stated and walk back to our table.
Both boys are still sitting there but they get up to give us a hug to say goodbye.
As Nialls arms wrap around my body I can smell his Cologne and feel the soft fabric of his shirt on my bare arms.
I catch myself hoping that Elise was right, he is nice and funny and it would be nice If he did have interest in me.
"It was nice meeting you two", Elise says as she grabs some of our shopping bags and hands them to me.
"It really was", Lewis says and I turn around to leave as I feel Nialls hand on my shoulder for the second time today.
"Here", he hands me a napkin with a phone number on it, written in blue ink and with a smiley behind it.
"Call me sometime and I will show you around London, will ya?".
I nodd and a big smile creeps on my face and I blush again.
This time I am sure that it is not the alcohol but the Irishman in front of me with his dazzling blue eyes.

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