Chapter 15

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"What does that mean for us?", I manage to croak out without bursting into tears.
Niall grabs my hand tighter when he realises that I am clearly upset by his previous words.
"I don't know about you but I am used to long distance relationships", he says with a sad smile.
"I don't know what we should do", I sigh and look down on my shoes.
"Vicky, I like you a lot and I don't want to ruin what we have just because I have to leave for work", Niall cups my face and makes me look at him again.
"Please tell me that you feel the same way because otherwise I will be crushed", he smiles weakly and his eyes twinkle with unshed tears.
Now it is my turn to squeeze his hands.
"I want to try long distance but I am scared, my last relationship didn't end great", I admit quietly.
His face relaxes and he kisses me passionately.
"I promise you, whatever happend in your last relationship, we will not repeat that mistake", he mumbles against my lips and I smile.
"Am I allowed to call you mine now?", he adds and my heart skips a beat at his words.
He wants me to be his, his girlfriend and not just a hook up.
I blush before I answer him "I'd love that Ni".
"Let's have a proper talk about it when I pick you up tonight, being with a celebrity can be challenging and I don't want you to regret saying yes", Niall smiles and starts his car.
"I am sure I won't regret it", I insist and pull out my phone quickly texting Lia that I will be late.
"I see you tonight babe", he plays with a curl of my hair before he sweetly presses his lips on mine.
At the mention of the nickname a shiver runs down my spine and I deepen the kiss.
"Bye Ni", I breathe before I climb out of his car and take one last look at the boy that I am now able to call mine.
I smile like a fool when I walk into the house and Lia immediately drags me into the arts and crafts room, locking the door behind us.
"Spill Vicky", she grins and her dark eyes shine with excitement as we sit down on the tables.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend Lia", I can't help myself but squeal.
"Niall fūcking Horan is your boyfriend?", Lia exclaims in disbelief and when I nod she throws up her fist.
"Girl you won at life", she laughs and I blush at her words.
"And you got laid", she noticed that my clothes are the same I wore yesterday and I blush even more now that she knows I slept with Niall Horan.
"I wish you two the best", she tells me sincerely and gives me a side hug before we head back to work.
It is too hot for the kids to play outside so we set up a movie an build pillow forts with them to distract them from the fact that they can't go out.
When I applied for my internship I never imagined that it would be so much work, all my energy is drained when I leave work and the only thing that is giving it back to me is Niall.
His presence immediately puts me into a good mood and all the worries and doubts of the day magically leave my thoughts whenever he touches me.
He is constantly in my head, his blue eyes that always have that soft tone when I look into them, his smile that is always plastered on his face, his hair that I want to run my fingers through every chance I get and his kindness that warms my heart.
I don't know how I am supposed to deal with him begin gone for weeks or even months while I am stuck here in London.
I miss him when we are apart for only hours while I am at work.
My mind is clouding and I frown, just thinking about being separated from him makes my eyes water.
Niall notices my distress when I climb into his car but I dismiss all of his attempts to talk to me about what's wrong.
I don't want to be this clingy, I am scared that I will push him away by telling him how deeply I already feel for him.
The drive is silent and this time it is not a comfortable silence but one that you could cut with a sharp knife.
I feel Nialls eyes on me from time to time but he doesn't try to speak to me anymore until we are both seated on his sofa, not curled up against each other but on opposite ends.
"Just tell me what's bothering you Victoria", Niall sighs in frustration and rubs his hand up and down his face.
He never called me Victoria and I can sense that he is mad at me for not talking to him.
"I am scared that you will forget me when you leave for the US", I quietly being to talk and the tears that I managed to hold back throughout the whole car ride are now slowly running down my cheeks.
"Oh Vic", Nialls facial expressions soften and he comes over to my side of the sofa, wrapping me up in his arms.
"I won't forget you, I will call you every day, I will create playlists for you again and I will be back as soon as I can", he mumbles into my hair and I can't help but sob harder.
I was always scared to be alone, when my parents broke up, I stayed with my mother.
She went out on dates with countless men always telling me that it runs in the family, that no Webber woman is able to find the love of her life and that we are destined to fall for men that care more about themself than others.
Many nights I stayed awake, thinking about her words and when I met my ex boyfriend I tried so hard to proof her wrong.
When we broke up she looked me in the eye and told me that she had warned me and that I should get used to being alone.
Nialls grip gets stronger and he places gentle kisses to my face, trying to stop the tears from falling.
"I promise you Vic, I will not leave you", he repeats his words over and over until I finally believe them and they chase away the awful memories of my mother and ex boyfriend.
"You wanna tell me what makes this so hard for you?", he asks when I am done crying and the tears have turned into dry stains on my red skin.
"I told you that I had a bad experience in my past relationship and I want ours to be perfect", I tell him and play with the hem of my shirt.
He takes my uneasy hands in his and our eyes meet.
"Vic, If you want a perfect relationship, I am definitely not the right man for you", he says softly with so much sadness in his words that I nearly start to cry again.
"This relationship is going to be messy, confusing, scary and a little romantic but not perfect", he continues and chews on his lower lip.
"The media will be ruthless, fans will have their opinions, I will have to be away for long periods of time and you will go back to Germany to finish your studies after your internship has ended. I am sorry Vic but I can't be perfect for you".
"Niall", I stop him before he is able to say anything else.
"I think we can make this work, I need to accept that I can't be around you all the time and that I might get bashed by your fans and the media but the most important thing for me is to be with you", I tell him and kiss him sweetly.
"And absence makes the heart grow fonder", I smile and he let's out a low chuckle.
"You will not be alone Vic, I will be one call away and I will fly home as much as possible", he reassures me again.
"You staying the night again?", he asks sleepily and I shake my head.
"I really need to change my clothes", I chuckle and he pouts.
"Then we will sleep in your flat", he demands and I quickly get up while violently shaking my head.
"No way Niall", I exclaim in panic when I think of the smelly hallway and the size of my flat.
"Oh come on Vic, are you hiding any corpses or other lovers?", he jokes and I sigh in defeat.
"Remember you wanted it", I tell him and he happily gets up smiling like a child that won a bet.
"By the way the media is already speculating about us", Niall nods to my phone and tells me to open Twitter.
I scroll through some celebrity news pages while he quickly packs a bag for himself to stay over at mine.
After the pictures of Niall at the "charity event" we have been spotted together in front of his car and at a coffee shop.
Headlines like Who is the mysterious brunette or Niall Horans new girlfriend?
have thousands of fans speculating.
I smile it is actually quite amusing but also scary how many people apparently want to take my place and are already writing nasty things about me.
Niall walks back into the room and snatches my phone from my hands.
"Don't read the hate", he demands and pecks my lips.
"Also my Managment has contacted me about making our relationship public", he rubs his neck with his left and and uses the right to hold on to my waist.
I blush at the thought of Niall discussing our relationship with others.
"There is a fundraising event this weekend and I would like to bring you", he looks at me anxiously waiting for my response.
"I'd love to come", I excitedly exclaim and kiss him deeply, our lips moving in a quick dance.
Being his girlfriend officially will be hard and I know that I will have to deal with some problems but as long as I have Niall by my side I am sure I can figure it all out.

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