Chapter Seven

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"Take these parcels, don't drop them there expensive." Oikawa placed two more boxes into Kenma's already filled hands. The three had decided to go shopping and brought Kenma along to carry their things. He had six bags filled with coats and the two boxes filled with new shoes, "Yes sir."

"Oh father look! Let's go there next!"

"Alright Suguru. Kenma you can go back home, have these parcels left in our rooms. You'll be walking back, and have a snack done when we return." Walk? It would take him hours- it was about ten miles outside of town! He'd never get back on foot in time. "But sir-"

"No buts. Go now if you want any chance of getting back." The three cackled like hyenas as they walked into the shop. Kenma just stood their defeated, "I'll never make it."

"Hey look out!" Someone shouted before Kenma was hit with a force that knocked him over. The parcels scattered on the ground but he didn't care as his head was pounding, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I got shoved out of the crowd and I couldn't stop in time. Are you alright?" Kenma moved his brown hair to see a boy around his age picking up his parcels. He was about the same height, (I've made him a bit taller then in the show so its not as awkward.) he had wild orange hair and chocolate brown eyes. Even while talking frantically he had a smile on his face like the sun, "This is a lot of packages. Are they all yours?"

"No. But thank you for picking them up, goodbye." Kenma didn't know why but he suddenly felt very shy around this boy so he quickly took the parcels and ran. He ran a while, thinking he'd finally made enough space between them when suddenly heard someone yelling, "Hey! Hey wait! Stop!" Panicking he ran faster out of town and down the dirt road that lead to his house hoping the boy would loose interest but he kept following him, shouting for him to stop.

Kenma was crossing a stone bridge when he tripped over a slightly raised stone, "Hey! Are you alright?" The boy shouted coming to a top at Kenma's feet. Kenma looked up at the boy who barely looked out of breath with a dead look in his eye, "Why are you following me?" He snapped. The orange haired boy tilted his like a puppy, "Wh- oh yeah! I almost forgot! I think this is yours." The boy pulled an iron key from his trouser pocket- it was Kenma's key to the house! He must have dropped it when they collided. Now Kenma felt bad for running and snapping at this boy who was only trying to return his key, "Thank you, i didn't notice. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"Its fine! I bet it was kinda weird for a stranger to just run after you like i did!" He handed Kenma the key and helped him pick up his packages again, this time holing his pile out of reach. "How about i help you get these back to your house. You've got so many and we don't want to drop them anymore!"

"You really don't have to-"

"But i want to. Where do you live?" Kenma stared in shock as the boy continued across the bridge, this boys kindness was something he hadn't felt in a while. Kenma jogged to keep up and told the boy where he lived, "You live in that manor on the hill? That's like- six miles from here. Why are you walking?"

"I didn't have a ride."

"That wont do, lets see if we can get you one." The boy looked behind them on the road to see an older looking man with long blonde hair and a cigar in his mouth driving a small cart full of food. He flagged down the man to stop, "Well if it isn't one of my favorite passengers. Let me guess, you need a ride?"

"Well actually my friend- er, what's your name?" He whispered. "K-Kenma." He whispered back cheeks flushing that he stuttered. "My Friend Kenma here needs to get back to his house but its pretty far away. I was wondering if your be willing to make a small detour so his trip can be a bit easier?"

"Sure, just tell me were to go and I'll get you there. But you owe me squirt."

"I know Mr. Ukai, thank you. Come on Kenma, hop on!" They walked to the back of the cart and sat on the end placing the packages behind them letting their legs hang over the side. "Thank you sir."

"No problem kid. I give this rascal rides all the time." The man flicked the horses reins and the cart jerked to a start. They sat in silence for a while before the boy started talking again. "So is Kenma your first name or last name?"

"First name."

"Cool! Well since i get to call you by your first name you can call me by mine, I'm Shouyou." He enthusiastically shook Kenma's hand smile somehow growing brighter- honestly didn't know if that was possible. They made small conversation, mostly just Shouyou rambling on about stuff he saw in town- never asking Kenma any personal questions. Which he was glad that the bright boy knew boundaries- because he honestly came off as someone who'd be all up in your business with his bubbly attitude. Twenty minutes later they made it to the bottom of the gravel path, "do you want some help taking those inside?" Shouyou asked. "No thank you, you've already been a big help." He took the parcels and bowed to Mr. Ukai thanking him again for the ride.

Shouyou waved goodbye as they drove away out of sight, sitting back down and picking up an apple from one of the barrels. "I see you had an eventful day. You know your dad wont be to happy you escaped again."

"I know but i did some good today, so i think he'll forgive me. . . I hope."

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