Chapter Ten:

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  The two arrived at the market around noon but it was still bustling with dozens of people. Many different kinds of stalls lined the cobblestone street selling everything from fine fabrics to bright fruits. Kenma always loved going to the market with his parents, always trying to find something they'd never tried before- or some sweets i he was luckily. But he was here only to buy food for the week, luckily he had gotten all his chores the day before so he wouldn't have to do them when he returned home. Pulling out the list he had written Hinata gasped, "That list is huge! You have to buy that all by yourself?"

"Yes, they eat a lot. And this is for the week." Hinata gaped taking the list into his hand to read. Half of these things were expensive, like fine cuts of meats and specific spices. "Do you have enough money for all this?" Kenma pulled out a small pouch of money, peering inside it was obvious that he wouldn't have enough. 

Kenma's heart dropped, if he didn't get everything his stepfather requested he'd be punished. Hinata saw the panic in his friends eyes, "let me see that list again Kenma." He took the long list and ripped it in half, "what are you doing?" Kenma panicked hastily grabbing the half Hinata had handed back to him.

Hinata smiled and turned towards the market place, "You buy that half of the list and I'll buy the other half. Let's meet up at the fountain in two hours!"

"Wait-" Kenma tried to stop him but the small ginger ran into the crowd and disappeared. Looking back own he realized that he had taken the more expensive ingredients for himself. "How is he going to pay for it all?" He wondered aloud, trying to find the boy in the sea of people. But he had no luck so he continued on his way.

Kenma had finished buying a small bag of potatoes when the finer reappeared beside him. "Oh! I found you early! Are you almost done?" Kenma jumped at his sudden appearance. "No, not everything. I'm almost done though." He glanced down to see Hinata holding a large basket of meats, breads, rice and spices.  "Well lets go! Where to next?"

"I have to buy some grapes." They walked through the thick crowd, Kenma right behind the Hinata so as not to bump into any people. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you buy all this stuff for me? You said it yourself that it wasn't cheap." Hinata smiled, balancing the basket on his side so he could grab Kenmaa's hand to drag him through the crowd. "Because your my friend that  needed help, and I'll always help a friend in need. Now come on i see the stand." Kenma gold eyes widened in shock, unable to respond as he was dragged to the stand.

He bought a bunch of grapes following Hinata's suggestion of getting the deeper purple ones instead of the usual red. The ginger disappeared when he was trying to buy some lettuce. "Two heads please." He divided out the money for the food when Hinata returned. "Kenma! Look at these cool sweets i found. The red ones are cherry and the green ones are apple." The ginger shoved a green candy into his mouth, sweet apple exploded on his taste buds.

"That's good."

"Right!" Hinata pops one of the cherry ones into his mouth. "Here you can have the apple ones!" He placed the small blue bag into Kenma's basket. "T-thank you. You didn't have to do that especially after you bought half of my groceries."

"No problem, I got excited and naught to many so I wouldn't even be able to finish them all anyway." It as a slight lie, he had bought a lot but he probably could of eaten it all himself. "Anyway is that the last thing on the list?"

"Yes. Do you need anything while were here?"

"I just needed some tofu and i got it already." Hinata held up a paper bag with the tofu inside. "If we hurry we might be able to catch Mr. Ukai on his way to make his delivery to the castle and get another ride." Hinata grabbed Kenma's hand again and quickly dragged him towards the outer city. The whole time Kenma felt a light flutter in his chest- but he didn't know why. And the slight flutter dispersed when his hand was released hen they saw Mr. Ukai packing up his cart once again.

He'd ask Kuroo about it later, maybe he knew what it was.

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