Chapter Twenty-four:

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I just realized after twenty-four chapters that ive been spelling Atsumu's name wrong. Ive gone back and fixed them all- at least i think so- so im sorry if there way any confusion. Please last enjoy the story and im sorry for my inability to spell.

Kenma followed his stepfamily as they walked around town, arms holding a bag with his stepfather's new hat. He was told to wait outside while they walked into a weapons shop to buy more blade polish, "don't go anywhere and don't talk to anyone. Not that you do much of that anyway." Oikawa sneered as he walked inside. The boy sighed quietly as he sat on a small bench near the door that was situated next to a small stand. He jumped when he felt someone sit next to him but he didn't look passed his curtain of hair, "Why do you look so sad young man?" Kenma peeked through his hair at the old man sitting beside him, dressed in a deep red cloak and held a can in his wrinkled hands. He had a gentle yet inquisitive smile, not really looking at the boy but instead out at the people walking passed. "I-It's nothing."

"No one ever looks sad over nothing, there's always something bothering them- even if they don't want to admit what it is. So, why don't you tell this old soul what's bothering you." When Kenma didn't respond the old man turned to guessing, "Did you lose something? No, no, no, thats not it. Perhaps you miss someone? Family member? Or a romantic partner?" The old man smiled when Kenma flinched, "So thats it. Love is a fickle thing, but ive found that over the years it always finds a way to bring people back together."

"I don't think its going to happen. Were to different for it to have worked."

"Ah, have a bit more faith. You never know when life will spring you the opportunity, so don't miss your chance to take it when it comes." The old man chuckled, tapping Kenma's leg with his cane. Before Kenma could ask the man what he meant he had disappeared from the bench in a blink of an eye. The boy rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, "i must be more tired then i thought."

"What did you say boy?" Oikawa sneered as he threw another bag into his chest. "Nothing sir."

"That's what i thought-"

"Here ye! Here ye! A message from the royal palace!" A loud voice cut through the crowd as a man unrolled a piece of paper, clearing his throat before speaking. "On June Twenty-first their Royal Highnesses are host a mascaraed ball for their son's Twentieth birthday! All those who reside in the kingdom are invited to attend the ball no matter the status. Invitations are to be delivered to every household by royal guard, and every person will get an invitation. Their highnesses hope you will attend to help celebrate their son's special day. Have a good day." The man got back on his horse as the entire crowd broke out into excited gossip. The two boys glanced at their father's growing grin, "Boys, forget about training. Were heading to the nearest tailor to get you new suits for the ball before their flooded with to many orders. If you plan to seduce the prince you must look perfect. Come along boy!"

"Y-yes sir." Kenma stumbled after his stepfamily with a frown on his face, his stepfather's words made his stomach sick. And incredibly angry, for reasons he couldn't seem to fathom. And that sickness stayed with him all throughout the days shopping trip as they ordered suits made of the finest silk and lace, new polished leather boots covered in silver embellishments, fine gold watches and yet another even more dramatic hat for Oikawa to wear. But it didn't stop there. When they returned from shopping that night Oikawa demanded Kenma hang up the newly bought suits so he could observe them.

Atsumu's suit was black two piece with a fine lace under shirt that flared out from under the suit's cuffs, silver buttons ran down the front, tall white leather boots with silver embroidery. Suguru's was also a two piece dyed a bright turquoise with yellow embellishments down the arms and on the shoulders, along with a yellow scarf bunched up at the neck and black boots with gold buttons on the side. Both while stunning Oikawa found them to be to plain, but instead of paying the tailors to size them and add details- he instructed Kenma to add them. "For this i want you to add larger buttons and add another layer of lace on the cuffs. Lengthen the collar then embroider a a fox in gold and add a ruby for the eyes. And for this one embroider scales on the tail and have it climb up the back and over the shoulder into a snake, have it be in gold with an emerald eye. Lengthen the tail as well, but do not have it touch the floor. Add a silk belt with a gold buckle. And-" he continued to add and change, making sure Kenma wrote it all down to the last detail.

Next Oikawa brought out a suit of his own, white with a light blue interior and pants. It was made of fine silk and satin, completely fitted with a knee length tail. Pointed black shoes with fine golden plates and a raised heel, and the white fedora he had bought that very morning. "For this i want you to add silver buttons and remove these gold ones- tighten the pants as well. Then for my hat add a blue ribbon around the top and add two large peacock feathers, the flashier the better. These must all be perfect if they are to draw the eyes of the prince, no doubt using this party to scout for potential partners. You boys will be one of those potential partners if its the last thing you do."

"Yes father."

"Kenma all these alterations must be done by the night before at the latest. There better be no stitch out of place or button crooked if you want to stay im this house, am i clear?"

"Yes sir." Oikawa took the suits and tossed them into the boys arms along with the hat and shoes, "oh an before i forget, these must also be tailored to match each of the suits." He tossed a box with three masks inside on top of the pile in his arms then left with his boys trailing behind. Kenma sighed as he carried the suits to his room were he found a sewing box sitting on his bed no doubt placed their by Oikawa himself. He hung them up with care in the cleanest spot in the attic, careful that they don't become covered in dust and risk punishment. Meow? The cats gathered around his legs as he sat on the edge of his bed, head in his hands, completely dreading the next week and the constant reminder of Hinata all around him. Looking back up at the suits he felt the sickness in his stomach return, and he dint realize how he started petting Yamamoto a bit harder then before.

This week would be torture, for both his patience and heart.

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