Chapter Twenty:

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  They got the letter to the post office as it was getting dark, Kenma was getting a stamp when Hinata disappeared again. "Kenma! Come look!" Hinata was pointing to a flyer hanging just outside, it was covered in colorful flowers and fruits that surrounded the kingdom's crest of a crow.  "The festivals date has been set! Its three days! Oh i love the summer festival, the music, the dancing, the food! And it lasts a whole week!"

"I take it you'll be going?" The brunette chuckled at the boy's far away look, he also loved the summer festivals ever since he was young. He and his family- plus Kuroo- would go every year to dance the night away and stuff their faces with sweet peaches. Well Kuroo would dance with the hoard of ladies that would follow him around while Kenma just stood off to the side, he was never a good dancer. "Of course! Its the one week i have no schooling and the staff has the week off. *gasp!* we could go together! Its always more fun with a friend!"

"I don't think I'll be allowed to go this year."

"What? But you have to come! There has to be a way!" The ginger cried out, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "Why don't you sneak out after your folks, spend a couple hours then get back home before they do." A man suggested, "Mr Ukai! That's a great idea!" The blonde men smiled, wiggling his eyebrows when Kenma wasn't looking making Hinata's face flush red. He scowled and gave him the "i'll get back at you" face before Kenma spoke, "But it takes two hours to get here so we'd only be here for a few hours before having to leave again. There's no point."

"Why don't you take your horse kid, I'd let you use Fiona here but she's the slowest mule ever." Said donkey huffed and wacked the man with her tail, "Don't give me that. Just eat your oats."

"That's a great idea! She could get us here and back easy! And if we do see them heading out we can beat them back before their carriage." Kenma couldn't say no to Hinata's pleading eyes- and his growing blush on how close the other boy was so close. Glancing away trying to cover his cheeks with his hair he gave out a small, "Alright, lets do it."

"Yes! If you can find out when they plan to leave -probably a few hours before dark right when the festival begins- then i can come with Pepper and we can head to the festival! Oh i cant wait! I wish it was Monday already!" He squealed, grabbing Kenma's hands and spinning him around playfully. Ukai smiled at the two boys smiling as they walked into the crowd, Hinata's excited voice still rambling over the town chatter. "Ukai was that him? The boy you said Hinata had his eye on?" Takeda asked, finally standing from behind the cart with a pile of books. Ukai smirked lighting another cigar, "You bet, kid's whipped. But by the looks of it his little crush may have a thing for him too."

"Aww! Young love! You better not mention to Kageyama that he's going to the festival or he might try to follow him."

"I wont but i have a feeling he already knows."

Ukai wasn't wrong, he had walked in on Hinata talking to the stable managers Bokuto and Akashi about having his horse Pepper dressed in a regular saddle. "Your going to the festival aren't you?" 

"O-of course. I go every year, you know that. I-im just getting a bit of a head start planning is all." Hinata's eyes shifted away from Kageyama, avoiding his death stare at all costs. "And you didn't think to tell me? Are you hiding something from me?"


"Your lying," Kageyama grabbed the boy by the shirt pulling him close. "What are you hiding from me idiot?"

'Nothing! I just want to go by myself this year!" Luckily Bokuto- who knew all about his not so secret crush from Daichi- broke up the situation by asking Hinata what kind of saddle he wanted. It wasn't uncommon for the staff or the royal family would visit the festival in disguise- it also helped that most people didn't actually know what Hinata looked like since many seemed to think Kageyama was the prince. Why? No one was really sure. So he could go into town pretty easily, just changes his clothes and messes up his hair. And while Kageyama didn't believe him he left the matter alone and decided to go practice some chess instead.

Kenma was right. His stepfather gave him strict orders to stay home and do his chores, all with a wicked smirk on his face. Luckily he was "relieved" of dinner duties that week, only having to have a small snack prepared for when they returned. "Do you understand? If i find out you stepped a single foot outside while were gone you will be punished."

"Yes sir."

"Good. Your dismissed for the night after you fix Amustu's coat, he ripped it again."

"The burlap one sir?" Please don't be the leather, please don't be the leather, please don't be- "No the leather one." Kenma groaned inside his head but gave a small bow and went to retrieve the coat. He took it up to his room with a candle and the thickest needle he could find as sewing leather by hand is a pain- he had no idea how to use a sewing machine so by hand was all he could do.  The rip wasn't to large so it didn't take more then an hour, hearing a tap on his window when he finished tying off the thread. "Kenma? Are you awake?"

"S-Shouyou? What are you doing here?" He rushed to his small window were Hinata was hanging from the edge with something wrapped in a dish towel hanging from his mouth. Kenma took the cloth and set it on the windowsill so the boy could talk easier.  "You know, just hanging around. I came to see if you found out when they'd be leaving, I didn't think knocking on your door was the best option." He pulled himself up to his arms and placed his feet on the gutter. "You could have just come around tomorrow you know." Hinata blushed, nervously playing with his hair "True- but i just couldn't sleep! I was to excited, Pepper's excited to meet you."

"As long as she dosent eat my hair well be ok." Kenma paused at the boys confused face, "Long story for another time. Stepfather said they'd be leaving around six, so we could leave an hour later.  They'll most likely wont return until passed midnight."

"That will give us plenty of time. I'm glad you agreed to come, usually i have to drag my friend Kageyama to the festival and he's kinda a kill joy. So thank you." Hinata gave him a playful kiss on the hand as he started sliding down the roof. "I eagerly await our time at the festival good sir. I do hope you will have fun." He spoke in a floaty voice, not noticing Kenma's flushed cheeks. "Oh thats for you by the way! Goodnight."

"G-Goodnight." He whispered back, watching the ginger clim down the ivy branches and wave goodbye as he scurried around the house. Untying the towel's knot was a small plate with a slightly warm piece of apple pie, making his cheeks feel like they were burning. Yaku jumped onto the sill so he could curl under Kenma's chin, playfully batting his nose with his tail. "Oh be quiet." He pushed the cat away and happily ate his pie.

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