Chapter 21

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Enjoy peeps💕

Afrah's POV
14th may,2020
21st Ramadan,1441AH

I tossed and picked my phone that was ringing and answered it.

"Rise and shine beauty it's time to pray" his voice came.

"Hmmm just two more minutes" I begged.

"No wake up or you will be late" he said.

"Fine am awake" I said sitting up.

"That's more like it"he replied.

"Yeah whatever" I looked at my phone and saw my alarm ringing. I turned it off and put the phone back in my ear.

"You know I just think I should stop putting the alarm on because you are even earlier than my alarm" I said.

"Is that not better your own personal human alarm" he said and I smiled.

"Yeah whatever let me get going before ammiey comes inadmissible pursues me" I said getting off the bed.

"Ok and pray well and ask meaningful things" he said and I cut the call and kept it on the nightstand.

I headed to the bathroom,washed my face,performed ablution and came out. I wore my long blue hijab over my pink pyjamas then headed out of the room. I went downstairs and found everyone in the parlour except ya adil.

"I was about to send for but you came now go and call your brother" ammiey said.

"Ok" I headed to his room and knocked but there was no reply, I knocked again and he didn't answer so I went in. The room so much of a mess and he was on the bed sleeping without his shirt on.

"Ya adil wake up it's time for tahajjud prayers" I shook but he didn't bulge.

"Ya adil wake up"I called again

"Leave me"He muttered

"Okayy"I said shrugging while thinking of the most mischievous act to do to wake him up

I silently entered His Bathroom and fetched a bucket full of water and exited the bathroom,I picked his phone and put it on his T.v stand to record,I Hit record and silently carried the bucket

"Rise and Pray Sweety Pie"I yelled while pouring the bucket full of water on him

"Whattt the Fuckkkkkkkkk"He stood up adruptly yelling"Afrahhhhhhhhh,I am so going to kill you,How Dare you,am I your Mate"He kept yelling
I was already at the door with his phone cause I knew that will happen

"We are waiting for you your Highness"I said while laughing

"Afrahh,Don't let me meet you in this House ever again if not you will die"

"You will surely meet me in this House Lovely Bro"I laughed at him,I saw him making his way to the bathroom so I exited the room and went to tell Ammiey he is coming,We Prayed Tahajjud and Had our Suhur and then slept back

Morning cameby swiftly and I Did my Morning routine Before dressing up in My Fav. pink Shirt and a Leggings,Am not going anywhere today So Am dressing Casually Tho Zayd is coming for Iftaar Later

I went downstairs and saw Ya Adil Working on his Laptop

"Brooooooo"I shouted while Hugging him
He ignored me and kept typing on his Laptop"Haba Manaa Faveee,Don't ignore me,Do you want me to die because my Rabin rai is ignoring me ?"

He still Ignored me and kept working,I stood up and went to sit opposite him,I was looking at him intently which I know he hates,I kept looking at him for more than Five Minutes until he decided to break the Silence

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