Vol.0.2: Night of Fate.

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(Y/N) - (Your Name)

(L/N) - (Last Name)

(H/C) - (Hair Color)

(E/C) - (Eye Color)

(F/C) - (Favorite Color)

(A/N) - (Author's Note)






"Normal speech."


"Spells, Limits and team attacks!"


'Chirithy speaking mentally.'


(Location: School)

It was currently Monday and you were in class, bored out your mind. And it sucked that it was just the first period. 'Ugh Mondays.' You thought to yourself. It couldn't possibly get any worse could it?

"Alright class, time for a pop quiz!" The teacher exclaimed with a big smile.

You had to resist the urge to slam your head on your desk.

(Timeskip, brought to you by: chibi (Y/N) doing a test.)

(Location: School cafeteria)

It was now almost noon and lunch break. You were now making your way to your friends and hoping to continue your theories on the future of Kingdom Hearts and RWBY.

You noticed Jean wave at you. "Yo! (Y/N) over here!" He yelled out to you. You also noticed that Georgia and Chris were already there.

You made your way to them and began eating your lunch.

"Man i still can't believe that Re:Mind came out earlier and that RWBY Vol.7 got delayed. I guess this is the timeline we live in." Georgia said in slight giggle. Key word slight. "Hey, (Y/N) where are you at in Re:Mind now?" She asked while munching on her sandwich.

"I just finished beating the secret boss. I spent almost the entire night at it to and I don't look forward doing it on critical mode." You responded.

Jean perked up. "Really? Wow, your way far ahead, I just finished fighting Xehanort as Kairi. That was fun." He said.

Chris slammed his fist on the table. "Come guys i didn't even start to play the DLC and y'all are spoiling it to me!" He whined.

You all shared a good laugh. You then noticed that everyone in the cafeteria were making their way to the windows. You all looked a bit up from the top windows and saw that the sky had gone dark and a strong storm began to pick up.

You took out your phone to check the time and it read noon sharp.

You felt your heart skip a beat. Was it excitement, fear or both? You didn't know but then out of nowhere . . .

Shadow Heartless appeared.

The cafeteria erupted into screams of fear and panic. People scrambling to get out whilst trying to avoid the dark creatures.

Some were lucky to be close to the exit whilst some weren't so lucky and were attacked by the Shadows. You and your friends could see crystal hearts flying in the air then becoming Shadows.

Key to a happier ending. (Male Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now