𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟

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A/N: maybe boring in beginning but worth the wait


I hear the pouring rain whilst I scroll through my Instagram feed. Instagram is honestly starting to get so old. Its just boring. I scroll through pics of some celebrities because I have no friends and that are the only people I follow. Kim Kardashian promoting her own brand, Hailey Pham getting married, Claudia Sulewski having her life together, Ashnikko on her crazy anime shit again. But then I see Billie Eilish.

I've met her once a few years ago backstage at a fashion show. I was just done with walking on the runway and she was getting ready to perform. We both were 15 back then. We saw each other just a few seconds but we immediately locked eyes, I felt a connection and there's just no way she never felt that. She looks hella good in that pic. She could literally run me over with a truck then spit on me and she would hear me begging her to do that again.

 She could literally run me over with a truck then spit on me and she would hear me begging her to do that again

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I just moved to L.A in an appartement. It's not big but enough for me. It was getting late so I went to bed.


I wake up and put my outfit together. I don't want to put much effort in it but I know paparazzi is standing outside. I need to wear clothing that brands send to me i don't really care that much because I get money from wearing it and most of the time it's pretty plus I don't need to spend my money on it. The only thing I need to wear is a little bag so I luckily can choose my outfit by myself this time.

 The only thing I need to wear is a little bag so I luckily can choose my outfit by myself this time

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I walk to the baker to get some bread for breakfast and I bumped into her. The girl with the green roots. The girl with the blue eyes. I look directly in her eyes and it looked like time was standing still. The paparazzi calling my name and the bright flashes disappear in the background it looks like me and billie are the only people standing there. I don't say a word. I am speechless. Billie decides to break the silence. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" She asks surprised but with a calm voice. "I just moved here the real question is what are you doing here bil?" I ask. "Um I live here for 8 months now, I moved out". I was shocked. This means that Billie Eilish is my neighbor.

Billie's POV:

She is so pretty. Her beautiful light brown eyes look into mine and I forget everything. She is perfect. I want to make her mine so bad.

"We should hangout sometime y/n. What about today? 08:00pm at my place? I'm kinda busy that's why it's so late, do you mind?" I asked her. "Yeah sure see you bil" she walkes away and I turn around.

~time skip~



FUCK- IM LATE! I change my outfit fast in something comfortable

FUCK- IM LATE!  I change my outfit fast in something comfortable

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I walk fast out of my appartement and cross over the street. I ring the doorbell and wait for billie to open the door. She opens and hugs me immediately.  "Hi y/n!" She says full of excitement. "Hey billie" i say smiling. She opens the door more so I can come in and closes it behind me. "Do you want a drink?" She offers me. "Yes thank u" I accept. She swings with a bottle of vodka. I look at her and she looks like she is planning to drink the whole bottle. I first shook my head but she gave me those puppy eyes and I just couldn't say no to her. She grins and fills the half of 2 glasses with it. She didn't hold back. She walks over to me and sits beside me on her comfortable couch. She sits very close to me and wrapped er arm around me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I agree and she clicks on Netflix. "A scary one?" I don't like scary movies at all so I disagree. She still clicks on it. "I said no billie!" I whine. She smiles "You're cute when you're mad". I look at her she already looked away and started the film fast. The scary one yeah. It already started so creepy. Unexpectedly there's a scare jump in the film. I hug billie tight and close my eyes. She laughs and hugs me back. "It's not that scary mamas". I get it hotter when she calls me that oh lord. I play it cool tho "yes it is I told you that I don't wanna watch this!". "You're so cute when you get mad I already said that right?" "Yeah you already said that but thank you I guess..". We watched the whole movie...I mean billie watched the whole movie I watched half of it because I closed my eyes.

It's 10.00pm and billie fills our glasses with more vodka. "No billie!! Not so much!" She laughs. "You're so-"
"cute when ur mad?" I cut billie off. "Yes how did you know?" She is genuinely confused. "You said that a hundred times bil" she blushes and takes a sip of her drink. I copy her actions.


At this point we're both drunk. We're still sitting on the couch and she still has her arm wrapped around me. She is talking about random things probably not knowing what she's talking about. Just like me.

Then there's a silence. I look billie in her blue eyes. She looks back at me and is randomly very serious. We're looking at each other for probably a short time but it feels like forever. It isn't awkward it feels right. Everything feels right when I'm with billie. She moves closer to me and our lips connect. She places her lips softly on mine and I softly tug a piece of her hair. She lets out a soft moan and I see it as an opportunity to side my tongue into her mouth and let our tongues dance together. The kiss gets more passionate and I feel billie's hand on my tigh. Once our make out session is done she grins at me. I smile back.


"Why don't you sleep over y/n?" Billie asks. "Sure but I don't have any clothes with me except what I'm wearing right now" i explain. "You can borrow my hoodie mamas" . "Thank you" .
Billie grabs a hoodie for me and I put it on. I'm wearing my underwear and billie's hoodie. She has a comfortable bed. We cuddle and she places a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight baby" Billie says with her raspy voice. "Goodnight bil"

Words: 1183

A/N: YAY THAT WAS THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! please lmk if you liked it and vote if I need to continue writing. After that kissing part I wanted to add smut but I didn't do it because it's the first chapter lol. Or do we want- lmao lmk

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