𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐩 - 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭

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"Um Hey bil" I say trough my phone. "Hey mamas, how are you?" Billie asks. "I'm good I really enjoyed hanging out with you last week." I tell billie honestly. "Me too" there's a long silence. "Do you remember everything? Or were you too drunk?" Billie asks with a very sweet voice. "I remember everything." I say. "Are you sure?" Billie asks. "Yes billie I know that we've kissed." She is silent for 3 seconds again. "And what do you think?" Billie says. "What do you mean what do I think?" I ask confused. "Never mind meet me at my place at 12:00am". "why so late bil?" I ask. I swear to god why does this bitch always wants to hang out so late? "Just do it" She command. Apparently she's annoyed. I have no idea what she's planning.

I'm getting ready to go to billie's house. I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear but I'm going for something I feel comfortable in. I decided to wear a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie. It looked like I was wearing no pants but whatever.


I am exactly on time at billie's house and she opens the door. She is wearing a messy bun, sweatpants and a tank top. "Damn mamas you look hot as fuck" I said to billie. She grinned "you don't look bad either babygirl" She said. I couldn't help but smile. "Now why did I need to come to your place at 12:00am?" I asked because she never told me. "I just enjoy hanging out with you and i have a little surprise" Billie admitted. "A surprise? Can you please tell me?" I asked. "Then it's not a surprise silly, follow me" she told me to follow her and walked away. I of course followed her and she walked to the elevator in her house.

We are standing now both in the elevator and Billie clicks on a button. We're going up. We had eye contact and it felt the same like all the times we had eye contact before. Very special. And magical. Magical is the only word I can describe our connection. The eye contact and my thoughts get interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening.

We walk out of the elevator and are on the roof. I see a cute light and a blanket. "We can stargaze together if you'd like?" Billie offers. "I'd love to billie! This is so cute!" We both lay on the ground. She has turf on her roof so it's soft. And there's a wall build around it so other people can't see us and we can't fall off. Billie pulls the blanket over us and we cuddle up. Billie turns the lights off because it's too bright. I sit up and so does Billie. We look at each other in the darkness. I see her blue eyes shining in the moonlight.


We've had a deep convo and she asks now about my past relationships. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks sweet. "I trust you. So I think I can open up more." I admit. "That means a lot to me y/n" she says. "He was just not honest with me. He kept playing with my heart and he looked at other girls. One day I found out that he cheated on me and it was the most painful thing ever. I was heartbroken but I am over it." I told billie. She has tears in her eyes. "How could anyone hurt you like that? You are the most special girl I've ever met."
I hug Billie. She hugs me back and it feels so right. Being in Billie's arms. Hearing her comforting voice. She pulls away and looks me in my eyes and I immediately feel butterflies. "Y/n I love you and I'll never hurt you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I couldn't believe it. She asks me to be her girlfriend? She is more than I deserve. "Yes billie I love you too".

She leans in and I feel her hot breath in my mouth. We admire each other for a second until I fill up the space and place my lips on hers. Her hands move around my waist and my mine move to her hair. I tug on her hair and she moans I think that's her sweet spot. Every time I do it she lets out a soft moan and gives me the feeling of dominance. She moves her hands onder my shirt and squeezes my boobs. I moan and the kiss is starting to get more passionate. She takes off my shirt and I take of hers. She immediately grabs my boobs and lightly squeezes in the right one and sucks on the left one. Not too hard just enough. I let out a moan I couldn't hold back and she releases me with a pop. I feel her breasts and feel myself getting wetter.

Billie softly lays me on my back and pulls my shorts off and my panties. "You're already so wet for me and this isn't even the best part babygirl" Billie says. Damn she is so hot. She spreads my legs and I feel her hot breath against me. She starts licking me. "Aaah yes billie don't stop". She keeps me in place. "Call me daddy" she demands and starts sucking my clit. I moan loud and she sucks even harder now.

She teases her middle finger around my entrance. "Stop teasing" I said. She now completely stops I could only feel her breath against me. "What did you say?" Billie says angry. "Daddy please stop teasing I need it. I need you." I beg her. She pumps her finger inside me and adds another. "DADDY YES HARDER" Billie goes faster and faster whilst I'm a moaning mess.

She adds a third finger and I can't take it anymore "I'm gon-gonna c-cum daddy" I look billie in her eyes. "Fucking hold it" she sped up her pace and curled her fingers inside of me and she hits my g spot. "FUCK DADDYY IM FUCKING CUMMING FUUCCKKK"

Billie has no stop and goes faster and deeper. "AAAGH TOO MUCH PRESSURE" I tried to move her hand but instead she pinned mine down with her other hand "be a fucking good girl or I'll punish you" Billie said and went faster. I can't take this this is way too much. "DADDY PLEASE STOP I CANT TAKE IT" I begged her. Billie ignored me and I can feel my second orgasm.

I feel the knot building in my stomach "FUCK DADDY IM GONNA CUM AGAIN" I said. Billie and i never loose eye contact. "Cum for me" Billie demands. I do what she told me and cum hard on her fingers "fuuck you can make cum so good"

Billie sucks me off and says in my ear "you'll be sore tomorrow mamas"

Words: 1176

A/N: i was DEFINITELY NOT planning to add smut but I accidentally did it. no regrets❤️ leave a vote if I need to update. bye sissies🤠🤠

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