𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟑 - 𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗯𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗴 - 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳

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y/n pov

"What should I wear?" I ask billie. We're going to the club together. She isn't a club person. I am. I'm not going for the drinks I'm going for the music. That sounds weird because they play most of the time just normal house/club music. But my bestfriend Stacy from San Fran is a dj and she asked me to see her play and she could get us vip. I haven't seen her in a long time so of course i said yes. I only go to they club if Stacy is playing. She normally plays for 4 hours and then some weird dude who I never got the name of takes over. After her 4 hours playing she always joins me in the crowd and we dance a bit.

"Um I don't know? You always look good baby" Billie isn't really helping. I walk in my closet and look at all the options. Oh I never wore this dress before and it looks perfect for tonight! I change into my silver glitter dress.

"Holy fuck

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"Holy fuck." Billie chokes on her water. She stares at me and bites her lip. "Do I look bad?" I question. "No, no not at all y/n". Billie never looked away. "Okay..thank you" I said to Billie not knowing what to say. "Do I need to change?" Billie asks. "Wear what you want to wear bil".
Billie is wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a tank top. "Nah I'm not gonna change I feel comfortable in this" Billie said. "Sure".

We left the apartment and walked to her car. Billie sits in the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger seat. She starts the car and drives away.

The city is still alive whilst it's 01:00am. The drive isn't long and we arrive. I leave my bag in the car because I hate carrying bags. Especially in a club. We don't need to wait in the line because we are vip. "Hey y/n!!" A boy says. He is standing in a group with other random guys. I turn around without thinking because I heard my name. Then I see his face. It's him.

We used to date 8 months ago but we broke up because I moved and a long distance relationship is something I don't want. I believe that it could work. But not for me.

I am shocked. What the hell is he doing here? I walk over to him because I don't want to be rude. "Hey jace...why are you here?" I ask. Billie has an angry expression on her face."TO PARTY!!!!" He yells. All the boys behind him laugh. Typical. I laugh to make it less akward. "I got to go" I turn around.
"You by the way look hella fine y/n." Jace says and he smacks my ass. Billie immediately turns around "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MY GIRLFRIEND?? KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER" Billie yells. "Oh y/n so you're gay now?!" Jace yells. "YES AND SHE IS HAPPIER WITH ME THAN WITH YOUR SMALL DICK" Billie is now clearly very aggressive. Jace is silent.

Billie wraps her arm around me and we turn around and walk away. "I'm so so sorry for that mamas I just couldn't hold back plus she touched you and you're mine" Billie explained. She is so protective and I love it. "It's ok thank you" i say.

We're now standing in the middle of drunk people, the music is playing really loud and I can feel the bass through my whole body. Billie and I are both dancing and her hands touch my body and mine touch hers. We're both sweaty and going crazy. I look her in the eyes and the colored disco lights shine on her face. Her green roots light up in the black light and I move closer to her even though that's almost impossible.

She connects our lips and immediately slides her tongue in my mouth. I give her access and she kisses me deeply. She grabs my ass and whispers something in my ear that I can't hear because of the loud music. She kisses my neck harshly and I can feel her leaving bruises.

We sit down at a big sofa in the vip area. "Hey y/n!!" It's Stacy. "Hii Stacy how are you doing?" I ask. "Good thank you! Did you enjoy the music?" She asks proud. "Yeah u were amazing" I tell her. "Hey Stacy i'm Billie, y/n's girlfriend" Billie introduces herself. "Hey Billie nice to meet you I'm Stacy" Stacy says nicely. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend y/n!" Stacy says. "Yeah sorry I never told you but you know now" I say. "And? How is she?" Stacy asks. "What do you mean how is she?" I ask. "Is she good in....you know??" Stacy asks. Billie grins and looks at me for the right answer. "STACY omg you cant ask that" I say kinda embarrassed because I don't want to talk about mine and billie's sex life with Stacy. "Come on just tell me" Stacy pushes. I swear to god this girl has no stop. "No Stacy I feel very uncomfortable" I tell her honestly. "Am I that bad? You just don't want to hurt me I get it." Billie says with a disappointed look on her face. "No! No Billie thats not it and you know that. Its just very awkward if we talk about that right now." I say. "Why? Now you have to tell me" Stacy says. Billie looks at me with an evil grin. "She is the best. Happy now?" I say. "And..??" Billie is literally fishing for compliments now. "She makes me cum like no one else can do it" I cringe at my own words and the fact that I really said that out loud. Stacy smiles "Okay she is a good girlfriend" Stacy says. "Stacy I would still date billie is she was bad" I tell her. "Mhm" Stacy nods her head. "I got to go! Bye y/n it was so nice to finally see you and bye billie it was nice to meet you!" Stacy walks fast away.

"She is nice" Billie says. "I know" I say. "Sooo i am the only person who can make you cum?" Billie smirks. "Um yeah" I say embarrassed. Billie laughs it off and opens the champagne in front of us on the table in a bucket of ice. She fills up our glasses.

"Y/n!! How are you doing? still not tired of that green haired bitch?" Jace walks to out sofa and leans over the table. "What did you say?" I asked. No one talks like that to billie. I stand up and get ready to punch him in the face but billie pulls me back down. "He's not worth it."

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