C H A P T E R 2

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Ceaseless Chains Copyright © 2020 xXMopelXx All Rights Reserved.

Ceaseless Chains Copyright © 2020 xXMopelXx All Rights Reserved

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Chapter posted - July 10, 2020

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Chapter posted - July 10, 2020

Look at those aesthetics - thank you, Soph <3 Throughout the story, Tee refers to Oli as her dirty fantasy, indulgent prince and Himeros. x

PS: Oliver is 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Indian and 1/2 Canadian. 

Playlist Song: Amaal - Not What I Thought 


C H A P T E R  2


Three months in singletown, and you'd think I was living my best life.


Instead I was sitting by the bar, soaking wet from the evening rain, nursing a fruity non-alcoholic drink, while watching my two best friends – Trent and Cher – playing kissy-face and ass-grab with one another.

Hiding a wince, I took another sip of the drink Cher so graciously ordered for me.

It was a disgusting sweet concoction of berries and something fizzy. Cher wanted me to try it and I couldn't say no to her. Especially when her boyfriend glared me into it. He was also drinking it. So now she had two guinea pigs.

"How is it?" she beamed when I took the first swig. "Nice, eh? It's my new favorite here."

Trent was hiding his laughter behind her back. I watched him pour the contents of his drink into an empty glass and signal the bartender to take it away.

"Delicious," I lied. "I'd take this over beer any day."

"See, Trent?" She turned back to face her boyfriend, grinning with glee when she noticed he'd 'finished' his drink. "Even Oliver thinks it's good."

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