C H A P T E R 13

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Ceaseless Chains Copyright © 2020 xXMopelXx All Rights Reserved.

Chapter posted - September 24, 2020

 Enjoy this chapter and the aesthetics <3 I would also like to give a huge thank you to Mita, who helped bring Teagan's character much more accuracy and authenticity. Some words in the chapters are from Farsi, a soft, beautiful sounding language. 

Playlist Song: Sabrina Claudio - Naked


C H A P T E R 13

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C H A P T E R 13


            Every time I thought I figured out men, I was hit with a new curveball. Exhibit in question? Oliver Abhay Ashford.

I'd never met someone whose moods swung so haywire. I'd never met someone who set me alight with just a mere touch, then retreated away like ice cold water had splashed over our libidos.

Last night had been a revelation of sorts. I'd felt so safe and content in his car, huddled close to him and just talking. Talking about anything and everything. He'd opened up to me, but not in all the ways that mattered. We spoke about our past – certain moments – but he'd danced around the important subject of the last four years. Education. Relationships. And so on.

I was surprised at how much I wanted to know – how much I longed to unravel him.

I was not surprised to see that same need in him when it came to me.

Oliver could never resist a good challenge. Not when we were kids and certainly not now, if the heat in his eyes and the way he touched me was any thing to go by.

A good mystery? It got his blood boiling. It gave him drive. Shoot, it probably gave him a boner from all the excitement.

All I knew was that I needed to keep my cards well hidden. I wanted to mend our friendship and let him inside my world. I wished to learn everything about this new cocksure, sensual, playful, I-don't-take-your-shit version of him.

But some of the moments tainting my past were too rotten to uncover, and I feared it would alter the way he saw me forever. I couldn't allow that. Not when we'd finally found common ground.

...A common ground where we enjoyed each other's company and where Oliver thought it was okay to caress the skin of my back like I wasn't a female in my prime with raging hormones, locked in the vicinity with a male of high-caliber.

Last night, Oli left me in a fucking mess. I couldn't remember the last time someone had touched my skin in a way that wasn't platonic. His fingers hovered over my piercings and I could just imagine the feel of his rough calluses against my spine.

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