C H A P T E R 5

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Ceaseless Chains Copyright © 2020 xXMopelXx All Rights Reserved.

Chapter posted - July 31, 2020


In this novel, the teacher that Teagan had an affair with in Boundless Ties is now called Blake MacCabe. Previously his name was Chris McLaughlin, but I wanted to change that. Also, this story is based in Canada, where the legal age of consent is 16 for sexual activity (5 year gap max). Teagan was 17. Just have that in mind before you comment! 


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Thank you guys for all the response and support - so excited you're loving this <3

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Thank you guys for all the response and support - so excited you're loving this <3

Playlist Song: Jessie Ware - Hearts


C H A P T E R  5


Every week, Elsie and I took turns buying groceries. This week it was mine.

I was surfing through the aisle for bags of chips when I heard a small baby's wailing cry, followed by male shushing. Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed a young family with a little baby girl in their arms, cooing to her gently.

The dad's profile came into picture and my gut clenched, my heart thumping an old pattern right in the middle of the grocery store.

He must have felt my gaze all over him because Blake tilted his head a fraction and caught my surprise.

I hadn't seen him in years, specifically since I'd turned eighteen. We'd been forced to burn our flame to ashes when the nature of our 'inappropriate' and 'forbidden' – as my parents put it – relationship came to the front.

It was luck that he hadn't gotten fired from Eastwood High School.

My parents found out, told his, and we ended things on a sad note. I got disowned, packed my bags for Boston, friendship between our parents got strained and Blake finished his contract as a P.E substitute, before returning to university for his studies.

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