Chapter Three.

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January 9th. 3.15pm.

Dear Diary...

After school, I stand outside the main gates to wait for Remi. Last lesson of the day was maths, which I unfortunately had without her, so we agreed to meet up. Before we headed to lesson after lunch, I invited her around my house for dinner - since my mom always makes way too much food.

For maths I had Mr. Harrison. He's one of my favourite teachers, he's nice and patient and doesn't get as frustrated as all the others. He always lets us go at least fifteen minutes before the bell; just one more reason why I adore him. The only problem with being let out early is, I have to wait around outside for Remiula to finish her lesson too. And, knowing she has Miss. Whitehouse, one of the strictest teachers in the school, that could take a while. 

I lean against the green school gates and get my phone out, scrolling through my Facebook news-feed, patiently waiting. The bell rings and students immediately flood out of the wide doors, filling the car park and yawn, talking to each other as they parted to go home. I sigh, biting the inside of my cheek - a nervous habit I've developed over time. "Watch it!" I hear a voice say from beside me as somebody slams into my body, knocking me off balance for a few moments. "Gosh, can you be any more in the way?" I shake my head to ward off dizziness and glare at the person who bumped into me. My eyes focus on Katie, surrounded by her friends Mina, Jessica and Lola. 

I roll my eyes and shove my phone into my pocket. "What was that for?" I ask, my eyes digging into hers.

"What? You were in the way... Not my fault your fat ass blocks the whole gate, is it?" She laughs and her friends laugh with her. Katie Fletcher is like the Queen Bee. She can get anybody she wants on her side, if she tried hard enough. Although, Remi and I have never really understood why, she's such a bitch.

"Oh please," I snort. "If you weren't so blind and clumsy, you wouldn't have bumped into me, would you? What? 'Holy water' get in your eyes? Or just coal dust from hell?" I retort. 

My mouth opens slightly, taken aback by my insult. "Where's your gay little friend, anyway? What's her name... Remiula, or something?" She snickers. "Probably taking a detour to avoid having to see your ugly face. I would if I were your so-called best friend." 

"Hah, nice one, K." Lola giggles.

"Yeah, nice one Katie. Where'd you learn that insult? Your stupid little Sunday School? Or did 'God' tell you to say that?" I say, rolling my eyes. 

She quirks her eyebrow and shoves me into the gate, knocking the wind out of me. Grabbing my hair, she punches me in the stomach as her friends stand and watch, laughing. "Alexis?" A voice sounds from the distance. My stomach and head are both throbbing. "Lexi! What are you doing? Leave her alone!" The voice, I recognized, is Remiula. "What are you doing to her?!" She's close now and Katie turns to face her. 

"This doesn't concern you, bitch," Katie hisses, throwing me down to the floor. My head hits the ground quite hard. "Just go." 

"She's my friend so it is my business. Now, I suggest unless you want to find yourself in two months worth of detention for bullying Alexis, I suggest you and your little friends leave. NOW." Remiula says, gritting her teeth and balling her hands into fists. 

"Fine, she's not worth it anyway," Katie says. "C'mon girls." She walks away and Mina, Lola and Jessica follow her.

"Oh my god, Alexis, are you alright? I'm so sorry!" Remi says, bending down to me. She lifts me up and drapes a strong arm over my shoulder in an attempt to steady me. 

"I'm fine." I mumble, glaring down at the floor, fighting back tears. Lying is wasted on Remi, she's the only one who can always see through the fabrication. 

"Lexi," She sighs. "Please don't lie to me." She whispers, mere inches away from my ear. "I swear to God, I will kill all those bitches if they so much as look at you again!" She hisses. I can practically feel the heat radiating off her skin. I sneak a glance at her. Her face is flushed. Her jaw clenched. The vein in the side of her head slightly visible. I've never seen her get this angry before. 

"It's fine, Remi," I say, finally turning to face her. "They aren't worth it." I wrap my arms tightly arounf her shoulders, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Thank you," I whisper in her ear. 

We stand there for what seems like the next half an hour locked in one anothers arms, saying nothing; the only sound, our shallow breaths and beating hearts. "Come on," I say, eventually breaking the silence. "Let's go."

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