Your First Fight

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Hours pass as you walk into the forest, while hiding the enemy's patrol. Joker drops down as he gives a coast is clear. "I checked every arena, and saw no one patrol." Ruby thinks of how no enemy's patrol. "Maybe it's late to patrol, since we're in the middle of the afternoon." You can tell that the sunlight is going down soon. "We need to camp now." You suggest. "He's right, we need to camp out before it gets dark very soon." Kirito worries, but lucky Joker saves for the best. "Don't be, I found a good place to hide." You smile with the rest, with Joker heading ahead. "Come, it's very close from here." You follow him getting ready to set up the camp. Not until one of the tree bench moves. You look up and see if the wind moves. "(Y/n) we need to hurry!" Ruby calls you. "I'm coming!" You swear something moves.

Day into dawn, as you continue walking to the cave that Joker found. "Are you sure you know the way?" Izuku asked Joker, since you were walking in an hour. "I'm sure this is the right way." Joker answered. But Kirito was angry at him. "We've been walking for like an hour and no sign of a cave! How long are caves from here?" Kirito wants to know, Ruby tells him. "I'm not sure, but we need a break." You agree with her. "She's right, we do need a break." As you sit down, Kirito argue with Joker while Izuku double checks the food. "I'll look at the area, you can take a rest." Ruby said to you. As she looks around, You check your weapons. So far you got hand axes and a short dagger, you check your crossbow to make sure it works fine. But this is no crossbow, a hand made custom from both dwarf and elf! With double checking the arrow you had, you heard a noise from a tree. While the group argue and checks, you walk to the tree, and you see something that doesn't belong. A arrow. It looks new, in fact someone was going to shoot them, you include. "Guy, why is there an arrow stuck in a tree?"

All of them look at the arrow, walking toward you. "Where did you find this?" Kirito asked. "I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure this arrow doesn't look old." You check the arrow and by the look, it is made by Elf. "Why the arrow stuck to-" Before Ruby said it, Joker pushed you behind the tree. "Everyone get to cover!" With your friend taking cover, You Ruby and Joker ready to aim.

"How the hell do they find us?!" Kirito yelled as one of the arrows shot near him. "I found them waiting for us, hiding up the tree. So I had to lure them." Joker explained. "By waiting to take a shot at us?!" Kirito answered. "(Y/n), do you see a shadow figure on the tree bench?" Joker asks you as you look around, and see a shadow on the tree bench. You nod. "Good, think you are able to shoot?" Joker Worry about you "I can try." With a strong pull ready to aim, you aim calmly at the figure. After firing, an arrow straight to the figure's leg as the figure falls down to the group.

The figure gets up as they pull out the arrow, thus the invisibility cloak turning away and revealing. A High Elf scout. Along with soldiers coming out and surrounding you. "Well, that was unnecessary for a human." The scout looks at you, ready to draw. "I can't believe the High Elf involved with the cult." Izuku was shocked. "It's 8 on 5, not bad." Kirito smiled. "We need to kill the scout before she escapes." Ruby tells as she looks at you. "Are you ready?" Ruby pulls her scythe. "Tell me where to kill!" You pull your arrows. "Guards! Kill them!" Before she runs to their base, Deku uses a flash as he walks past you with green lighting. "Not a chance." With one swing from All-Might's sword, the scout fell down. The Elf guards coming toward you. "(Y/n) with me!" Kirito draws his duel wield as you cover him. Thanks to your Fighting Style: Archery, you fire both at the guards as Kirito blocks it. Killing them on their necks. Only 6 remaining. "Nice shots!" Kirito cheer. Before you say anything. "(Y/n) look out!" You feel the wing coming at you, as Ruby flies above you and swings the attacker with her scythe. Killing the guard in half.

 Ruby looks at you. " Glad I saved you, and Kirito you need to warn him next time!" Kirito nodded. "Sorry, but can't help but congrats on first kills." "Guy, a little help!?" Three of you look and see Deku blocking back and forth. Lucky Joker saves him, jumping one of the guards and slay the neck. Izuku slid kick the guard, falling down as he stabbed him. Four left. Not until the captain stepped in. "You need to get out! We'll hold them until you give the message!" The Scout nodded. But before the scout escape. "Ruby!" Joker orders as he is summoning you never see. "Arsene!" A red figure flowing behind him, as Ruby aim transform her scythe to a sniper rifle. "Now, attack the scout!" Joker's monster fires a dark-like magic missile while Ruby's sniper shoots at the scout, putting her down. Now there three remains. The Captain's anger at seeing his men killed, as he drew his sword. "Men, kill the trespassers! Starting with the lower class!" As the captain changes you, Kirito and Izuku block his attack. Two men still change you, but lucky shots down by Joker and Ruby. Before the captain breaks off with them, Ruby and Joker cut his legs as he falls down to the ground, Giving Kirito and Izuku stabbed him with their sword.

With no battle cry, Joker makes it clear. "Good job everyone! Ruby and Izuku hide the body and loot them. Kirito and I are going check on him." They nodded. As they hide the body Kirito and Joker look at you if you feel sick after killing them, but as they look you feel not sick, but also satisfied. Almost like it feels good. "(Y/n)!" Kirito calls you. You went back to normal. "I'm sorry, kinda lost for a second." You told them. "It's no problem." Joker's happy. "How did you know the elf was hidden?" You ask Joker. "I noticed movement on the tree, so I had to lure them." Joker answers your question, but Kirito checks on you. "At least you're safe." You smile. "I got a message!" Ruby holding a scroll. "Good, I think I know where to hide out." With Joker leaning the way, you feel good after killing the elf.

Night falls after setting up the camp, you check your weapons while your friends look at the message. "Hey (Y/n) you okay?" You look up and see Ruby sitting down with you. "Yeah I'm fine." You told her. "Since we are on the night watch and you're new, you going night watch with me!" Ruby gives you the best news, with a small smile you heard. "That's good." Ruby looks at you worried. "We kinda worry since you got your first kill, but you feel space out." You continue to listen with her "And I thought you were going to throw up after you killed, but.." You stop her. "Don't worry about me, I already saw it back in my past." You feel it as Ruby holds your hands. "We're here for you, no matter what." You can tell Ruby and your friends care for you. "Thank you, I need it." After talking with her, you and Ruby fall asleep until the last night's watch. And during your watch you listen to Ruby's adventure. Every single story till dawn rises.

Alright that would be it! (Y/n) what you would think? The DM asked. You look at your new friends after this d&d session. "Not going to lie, this is pretty amazing for the first time." You smile. "I'm glad you like it." Kirito said. "Before we leave, can we add you on Facebook so we can continue the session?" Izuku asked you. "Sure!" With a quick friends request you got them on your friends list. "Looking forward to playing with you." Akira said. "Same, and thanks for Player Handbook Ruby." You thank her. "No problem, you can keep it." Ruby's happy after helping you set up your character. "Hope we can continue this session next week." And with that, you and your new friends leave till next week session. 

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