I-it's Cas dean

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Dean POV  

Eventually I  drifted into a deep sleep repeating to myself that nothing would happen that night between me and Cas. When i woke up the next morning there was something wet but warm on my nose. I slowly open my eyes and find a Black pup with bright ocean Blue eyes staring at me.  What the hell?  I sit up and run my hand through my hair as the pup began to lick my Face, for some reason, this puppy seemed familiar very familiar.  Where have I seen him before? I also noticed that Cas wasn't here so where is he?  I picked up the puppy and gently placing the pup on my lap and gently patting it's head, I looked around my room but Cas was nowhere to be seen. I think to myself that he might of  left the room while I was asleep. I quickly got dressed and heard a knock on the door. 

 "Dean, Jerk! Are you awake?" It was Sammy. I opened the door and find him holding some pills.  "Will you Quit being so loud in the morning Sammy. What the hell do you want?" I took a step outside and closed the door behind me.  "I brought some medicine for Cas I did some reading i found something that should help. He must've got a bad headache after all that. How is he?"  "Cas isn't here anymore. I think he may of left while I was sleeping." I said while putting on my shirt.  "Really? I haven't seen Cas around. Also, I don't think he left with Charlie when she went to go to the shop this morning."  "Then where they hell is he?" I asked. Then we heard a small quite bark come from my room.  "What was that?" Sam  asked tilting his head to the side.  "That mutt." I muttered as I opened my room, revealing the Black Haired pup wagging it's tail while shining it's bright Blue eyes at us.  "Dean! It's adorable! I've always wanted a dog" Sam said as he walked up to the pup and cradled it in his arms. The pup squealed as Sam rubbed his hand against the puppy face. "Where did you get him? And what's his name?"  "I didn't "He was here when i woke up, well he woke me up by licking my face off. He doesn't have a name or anything." Sam held the pup up and stared at it. He blinked a couple times before muttering something.  "Hey, Bitch , what did you say?" I tapped his shoulder, waking Sam from his manic train of thoughts. "em don't  be mad but Dean em I-I think this is Cas.." 

Sam said holding the small kinda cute pup in my face. The pup stared at me while I stared back at him. "em er w-what? What do you mean?" I slowly and gently pushed the pup away from my face. His eyes were somewhat.. Entrancing.  "Well Dean do you em  remember that potion Cas took? Well em i wasn't sure how the results would come out. So maybe, just maybe, Cas got turned into a puppy." Sam said placing a finger on his head. I stared blankly at my brother, then at the pup resting in his's arms. It's true that the pup resembled Cas a bit. His Jet black fur was the same color of my angels hair and he had the same big Blue eyes.  "Then.. This pup is Cas..?" I said scratching it behind it's ears.  "Yeah. Most likely. He doesn't seem to have consciousness as himself. Right now, he is probably asleep inside this tiny body." Sam smiled at Cas.  "So Cas basically just turned into a puppy. Wow. that kinda cool I'm not gonna lie"  "We'll just have to wait until he turns back or wakes up within the pup's body." Sam said placing him in my arms.  "Do I have to?" I groaned.  "Yup!" He bent down to pet Cas again.  With that, he waved goodbye and dashed across the hall back to the library. Cas  yaps at me and licks my chin. I flinch and give him a death glare. He whimpered, folded his ears down, and finally sat still.  Ugh, why did I end up doing this? 

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