I Need Cas to come with me and test something out?

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Dean POV

  I walked through the bunker to the library where Crowley and cas where as i wanted to check up on my cassie when there was and suddenly moaning noises coming from the library. The moaning seemed familiar and a bit muffled from where I was standing. My fingers twitched as I hesitantly took another step forward. For some reason, I felt that something was wrong. When I finally reached the stalls, I called out to Crowley but instantly froze when I saw him straddling over cas with his hands placed on his crotch. Cas's face was flushed and had his hands gripped on book shelves behind him as Crowley palmed him over and over again. My face darkened and I clenched my fists, ready to beat this shithead into a pulp. A moment later, cas opened his eyes wide and noticed me standing behind Crowley.  "D-Dean..!" He exclaimed while trying to escape he grasp. Crowley eventually looked over and immediately jumped off my angels waist. I glared at him and cracked my knuckles.  "What the hell do you think you're doing, you basted?" I said with a cold stone voice as we stood face to face. At first, he looked surprised but then he shrugged his shoulders into a smug look.  "What does it look like?" He said with a smirk. "Damn, you just had to ruin it all. You don't deserve Castiel. I'll be the one to-" I interrupted him by punching him straight in the face. He fell backwards and stumbled into a pile of cleaning shit. He gritted his teeth and surprisingly bolted back in a flash and landed a hit across my face. 

Cas gasped and tried to pull me back but I ignored him and kicked Crowley on the side making his body flip over to the ground. Then punching him over and over again.  "DONT YOU EVER TOUCH OR COME NEAR MY ANGEL EVER A FUCKING AGAIN YOU BITCH ." I spat at him as he wearily lifted his head off the floor. "Ever."  "Heh. We've done more than just that, dean. Don't you know?" He chuckled as he wiped his blood streaming down his nose. I narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my jaws. "The feeling of his soft skin rubbing against mine.. His sweet lips being placed on mine.. And his loud moans in my ear.."  That's it, this fucker needs to die. Now.  I shoved Cas's grip off my shoulder and dashed towards him. While Cas held his hand out, I kicked Crowley on his shins and tripped him with my leg, making his head bang on the stone floor. He let out painful groans as I continued to rapidly stomp on him and elbow his ribs whenever he tried to hit me back. Blood was streaming down his face and onto his shirt. The glint of hatred in my eyes were so bright that you could probably see it from far away. Nobody could touch my angel. Nobody but me. My mind was swirling with hate and annoyance. By the time I was finished with him, his shirt would've been painted red with blood.  "Dean that's enough please stop!" I heard Cas gasp from behind. "It's ok, dean. I'm fine.." He had a saddened look in his eyes. Shit.

 Did I scare him? Maybe I shouldn't have done this in front of him.. I stepped over the limp body on the floor and embraced Cas in my arms. He looked up at me with his usual bright blue puppy eyes. Adorable.  "I'm sorry. That must've been too much." I muttered into his ears. he smiled and whispered back to me.  "It's ok. I'm glad you're here for me." We separated after sending each other reassuring smiles and a few words. I looked back at Crowley, who was still laying on the floor with blood rushing down his head. I sent him my famous death stare and made his body flinch.  "Cas, next time this fucker touches you, call out my name. Or scream if you have to." I put both my hands on his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes. He let out a strange laugh and put his hands on top of mine.  "T-that's going a bit far but if it'll make you feel better then s- sure.."  "Good." I nodded and tangled our fingers together in a tight grip. Before pulling cas away from the library I took one last glance at Crowley. He was standing with his arms over his ribs, as he looked at me and disappeared back to hell. I let out a devious smirk and cursed at him under my breath.  


  After my Deannie finished beating up Crowley, he took me back into his room with him to keep him company. We kept our hands clamped together as we walked down the halls. When we finally entered his room, Dean shut the door with such mighty force that the room felt like it shook for a second.  "er em Dean, what was that for?!" I jumped and turned to look at him. Dean stood there in front of the door with a pout on his face. "What's wrong?"  "Strip." He said while crossing his arms.  "Huh?" I stared at him and waited for him to change his words. But sadly, that didn't happen.  "I said strip."  "Why do I have to strip?!" I took a step backwards and stammered while watching Dean scan me up and down. "Um.."  "Inspection. I want to make sure that bastard didn't do anything to hurt you. angel" Dean walked up to me and pulled me in by placing his hands behind my back. "Strip."  "N-no!" I shoved his hands off and tried to escape but he quickly pinned me down on top of the desk in the corner of his room. 

The position we were in made me blush and slightly tremble. Dean had both his hands pinning me down while he was leaning into me with his knee spreading my legs apart. "D-Dean.."  "Now, look at the mess you've made." He looked over at the pictures and books that were sprawled all over the floor. "You deserve a punishment." I felt his knee spread my legs farther apart and his hands trail down to my waist. First, he began to tug the waist band of my jeans and my shoes. Then, he slid one of his hands up my shirt making me flinch. "If you won't strip then I'll do it for you my angel." My face was growing hotter and hotter as he pulled my shirt over my head and unbuckled my belt.  "Ngh.." He straddled himself on my waist and placed one hand over my chest. I could feel the lump in his pants grind against mine. His breathing started to get heavy as he moved his hips in circular motions. "Aah~"  I moaned and Dean took that as a chance to stick his tongue inside my mouth as one of his hands slide down my back to my as he groped my ass. We felt hot all over and let our moans fill the room as Dean began to pull my pants down. "D-Dean.. I-I.." 

Then a loud knock on the door was heard.  "DEAN, JERK HAVE YOU SEEN CAS?! I NEED TO TALK TO HIM! HELLO?!" Dean and I groaned at the sound of Sam's loud voice and collected ourselves off the desk. I pulled my pants back up and tightened my belt around my waist as Dean adjusted his shirt.  "Fucking bitch." I heard Dean mutter to himself as he opened the door. "What is it?"  "Finally Bitch Hello there! I need to talk to Cas have you seen him?" he  spoke with a hint of excitement in his voice when he looked over Dean's shoulder and  saw me standing by his desk. "Cas! There you are! What were you doing in Dean's room?" I blushed a bit while Sam wiggled his eyebrows. "it don't matter and em  Dean can cas come with me, i would like him to come with me and test something out for me?" Dean stared at him and then looked over at me and mouthed.  "Good luck."  "U-Um.. What is it for this time?" I asked hesitantly. He smiled and fiddled with his fingers.  "Nothing special.. Just come on!" Sam tugged on my sleeves and dragged me partly out of Dean's Room. I looked over at Dean with pleading eyes, desperately asking for help. Instead he gave me a smirk and shut his bedroom door in my face.  Oh great.

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