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S.E.I's POV: [a few weeks later...]

Me, and Jordan were great. Everything was... great. I loved him, and he loved me. A lot of things have happened. Apparently, Jordan and that bitch Ripley smoked weed, and then they had drug test. Everything was all right, and me and Jordan were happy together.


"So, your dad cheated with Spencer's mom?" I ask, as me and Jordan lock eyes. He nods, and I sigh.

"How do you feel-"

"How do I feel Sierra? Seriously, Sierra? That's the worst question" Jordan sighs, as he rolls his eyes. He's not usually not like this. He never snaps at me. I don't blame him, him and Olivia just found out their somewhat perfect parents, cheated. Well, his dad.

"I'm sorry, J"

Jordan looks at me. "Listen, I think I just need to some time with my family. I can't think of a girlfriend right now-"

"Jordan, are breaking up with me? Because of something I have no control over? J, we worked way too fucking hard for this relationship, and your breaking up with me" I can't believe him. 

He nods. "Yes, that's what I'm doing. Sorry" Jordan has no expression on his face. He gets up, and walks away. What the actual fuck. This morning he was fine, why would he do this?

Warm tears fall. The love of my life just left me. 


i know this chapter is bland, and stupid, but i promise it'll get better in the sequel! i promise by the end of the sequel, they will be together. this is last chapter before the sequel!!  

love you guys

love. → jordan bakerWhere stories live. Discover now