Chapter 2

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Leon entered the briefing room at the Division of Security Operations, an over-sweetened cup of black coffee in hand, and took a seat at the broad round table in the center of the room. He stared at the board covered with photographs and notations pertaining  to the latest case involving several abducted women.

Leon studied each of the photos in turn. The wall of smiling faces saddened him. They were all unsuspecting victims ruthlessly torn away from their lives. He wondered what cruel fate awaited them now. He then noticed a new photo added to the others. It was a shot of a young Latina woman. Scrawled beneath it was the name Sara Rios. Now there were seven victims. He gazed at the pictures with a troubled aspect, shaking his head. 

At that moment Deputy Director Olmire bustled into the room clutching an armload of files, her heels clicking loudly with each step. Her arrival jolted Leon out of his reverie and he sat up straighter, taking a long draft of the weak coffee.

"Good morning, Agent Kennedy," Deputy Olmire greeted him, glancing cursorily in his direction.

"Deputy Olmire," he acknowledged, inclining his head respectfully.

"We'll begin the briefing as soon as Agent Liu arrives," Olmire said, depositing her burden on the end of the table.

"Agent Liu?"

"Yes. Agent Liu has been our undercover contact within Eclipse Solutions. She's returned with important information on the case of the missing women. Since she's familiar with the internal workings of the company, I'm assigning her as your field partner. I think you'll find her skill and experience invaluable."

Leon nodded solemnly.

At that moment, an Asian woman entered the room. She held herself erect, her long, silky dark hair pulled back in a severe ponytail. Her brown eyes flashed as she turned them first on Leon then on Olmire. "I'm sorry I'm late. I hope I haven't missed anything," she said stiffly. 

Leon couldn't help feeling as though the temperature had just dropped ten degrees.

"Not at all. We haven't started yet. Agent Dana Liu, please meet Agent Leon Kennedy. You will be working together on this assignment."

Leon politely rose to shake Liu's hand, but she waved him off dismissively. "No need for that, Agent Kennedy. Good to meet you."

Leon shrugged and coolly sat again. "Okay." Major chip on shoulder noted.

"Agent Liu comes to us from Langley HQ. Her connection with the DSO runs as deeply as yours, Agent Kennedy," Olmire went on.

"Really?" inquired Leon. "What happened?"

"My grandparents were killed in the Tatchi incident," Liu answered crisply.

Leon's heart constricted. "I'm sorry," he said, sincerely. He shook his head. "That was a dark day for a lot of us."

"I understand you were on site when the missile landed," Liu said, studying him appraisingly.  "You're a lucky man to still be breathing."

"Yeah. The monsters haven't managed to punch my ticket just yet," Leon replied, returning her gaze evenly.

"Agent Kennedy is a very competent and formidable member of the DSO; one of our best field operatives. You'll make an excellent team," remarked Olmire.

"It is good to know we can complement each other; I'm pleased," Liu replied.

Leon looked at her askance. It was going to be a real pleasure working with her. He returned to his coffee without comment, turning his attention to Olmire. 

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