Chapter 15

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Surprisingly, Leon met with no further resistance. He was certain, however, that getting out of the facility was going to be a hell of a lot harder than getting into it.

Leon carefully followed his GPS until he came to the laboratory. Preparing himself for any threats, he tried the knob. The door opened easily, and he stepped inside. There was no one to be seen in the immediate area. A low beeping noise coming from a room behind a frosted glass panel caught Leon's attention.

He quietly made his way toward the room and peered carefully inside. A lab technician was standing with his back to the door analyzing a computer monitor. On the far right of the room, Sara lay bound to the surgical table.


The technician suddenly turned around and stared at Leon. He started violently. "How the hell did you get in here?!" he exclaimed.

Before Leon could answer, he heard the shattering of glass behind him. He turned to see another technician stepping out of a supply room.

"Holy shit!" the man whimpered upon seeing Leon. Without further remark, he sprinted out the door.

Leon returned his attention to the first technician who had taken up a crucible and now stood poised to fling it at him. Leon instantly trained his gun on him. 

"Uh-uh. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Your friend out there's got about five minutes or so before a very pissed, probably very hungry CERBERUS gets to him. You're in here with me, which means you've got sixty seconds to live unless you tell me where the vaccine is."

The technician dropped the crucible. "If I tell you, Dr. Grey'll kill me!"

"Not from where he is."

The man's eyes widened. "If Mr. Ramsey finds out--"

Leon raised the gun a little higher to the level of the technician's head. "He'll never get the chance," he replied darkly.

"It-it doesn't even matter. The girl's been infected. It won't be long before--"

"Wrong answer!" Swiftly redirecting his aim, Leon fired, grazing the technician's arm deeply. 

He fell backward with an effeminate shriek, blood spattering onto the wall and equipment. Leon reached him in three brisk strides and yanked him up roughly by his collar. "Let's try this again, okay? The vaccine…"

"Okay, okay!" the technician whined. "I don't know exactly where Mr. Ramsey has it, but I do know it's somewhere in the tower. That's Mr. Ramsey's private quarters. The precise location was only on a need-to-know basis."

Leon reflected on this information then looked back at him. "Thank you; you've been very helpful."

With that, he pistol-whipped the technician and dragged him to the supply closet where he locked him in.

At last Leon was free to attend to Sara. He studied her briefly as she lay in drug-induced repose. His eyes ran over her form: her head wound had healed fully as had the graze on her leg. Accelerated healing was definite proof that the virus was taking effect on Sara's body.

The wrist monitor she wore caught his attention. He checked the display, a dismayed scowl forming on his face. "Cellular fusion at twenty four percent; conversion complete in sixty four minutes," he read. He pressed his lips somberly, glancing up at the IV lines connected to her arms. The feeds had to be cut off before he could move her.

Leon went back to the computers, quickly shutting down the IV feeds. He was beside Sara again in a flash, cutting the restraints off her wrists and ankles. Presently, Sara moaned softly. He stood over her, his brow furrowed with concern. "Sara, it's me, Leon. Can you hear me?"

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