Quiz-6 Answers

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*He was Sawad ibn Ghaziya(Ra)*
Habban ibn Wasi narrated that on the Day of Badr prophet(saw) was straighting the line of sahaba's for Salah. He(saw) have shaft(arrow) in his hand, while straighting the line he(saw) looked upon Sawad ibn Ghaziya who was at the front of the line, so prophet(saw) pokes him with his arrow and said, O Sawad be in the line. He said, O Messenger of Allah you caused me pain, while you were send to us with truth and justice, so let me have my payback, prophet(saw) picked up his upper garment and said let you have your payback.

Sawad ibn Ghaziya(Ra) narrated that he gone out to his stomach and kissed his stomach. Prophet(saw) said, what caused you to do that? So he said, O Messenger of Allah, you know there will be a battle and I wanted the last moments of my life that my body will be brushed off to your body, then prophet(saw) made dua for me for the blessings and khair.
As silsila As Sahiha, 3356 seerat ibn ishaq, 266/2-Hassan.

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Aakhirah.. Aameen

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