Quiz-23 Answer

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Narrated by Aslam(Ra) that one day prophet(saw) was coming back from his journey, it was night time. Omar bin Khattab(Ra) were also with him. Omer(Ra) ask prophet(saw) something but he(saw) did not answer, he asked again but prophet(saw) didn't answer again, he then asked the third time but prophet(saw) didn't answer again than he raced his camel and was in-front of everyone, he(Omer) said, I fear that there will be a revelation(wahi) on me for this behaviour of mine. After this, little time has passed prophet(saw) called Omer(Ra). He went to prophet(saw) and said his Salam(prophet(saw) said Salam back to him) than prophet(saw) said to Omer(Ra) that, today; at this nigh a divine revelation has revealed on Me and it is more dearer to Me than anything from which the sunrises. Than prophet Muhammad(saw) recited the surah inna fatahna laka fathan mubin(Surah Al Fateh)
Sahih Bukhari, jild 6, 5012

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Akhirah

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