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"Tracy, you can't be serious," you sigh as your brother's wife-to-be begs you to go along with him to his bachelor party.

"I already spoke to him and he said he and the guys would love it if you came along!" she says. You roll your eyes, knowing that Doug just doesn't have the heart to turn down his little sister.

"Tracy, you and I both know he was just being nice," you argue.

"Please? I don't want the guys getting hurt. You know how they can't handle themselves drinking and mix them and drinking in Vegas? It's not going to end well."

"They've been to Vegas before, Trace. And your brother kind of creeps me out," you admit. Tracy sighs, her eyes softening.

"He can be weird, I know. But that's one more reason for you to tag along. Keep them out of trouble and make sure they don't get killed. Plus, Phil's gonna be there. And we all know how much you love Phil," she winks.

"Okay! Fine. I'll go, okay?" you finally give in, not wanting to hear more about Phil. Phil has always been your brother's best friend. Well, along with Stu. But, before Stu came along, It was always just Phil and Doug. Phil practically lived at your house as kids, which most likely had something to do with his life at home. But your parents raised and fed him as their own. And when your parents died, it was like all three of you lost your parents, and you helped each other cope. But you guess that's one reason it would never work out between you. He looks at you like a little sister.

"Oh my god, thank you!" she squeals, jumping up and down.

"I'm sorry but Doug's already on his way to pick you up," she smiles sheepishly.

"Tracy, you're going to be the death of me, I swear," you groan, rolling your eyes.

"You'll have a great time, I promise. Go pack your bags. Have the best night of your life. You're practically 'one of the guys' anyways. I couldn't imagine you at a bachelorette party," she smiles. You sigh, shaking your head but still not being able to shake the smile on your lips. You turn to run upstairs to your bedroom, grabbing a backpack and filling it with necessities, along with some extra clothes. You put on a black bodysuit and a pair of jean shorts, throwing an oversized white button-up overtop, leaving it unbuttoned. You put the backpack on your back and head back downstairs, seeing Tracy looking out the window of the front door.

"They're here," she smiles as you put on your sneakers.

"If I get like- attacked by a hooker or something I'm so blaming you," you chuckle, pulling her in for a hug.

"You'll have a great time. Have fun," she smiles as you walk out the door.

"And thanks for letting me use your house!" she calls after you. You smile, waving before hopping into the back of the nice convertible Mercedes-Benz that your brother is driving for whatever reason.

"Sorry for crashing, Tracy made me," you say, tucking your bag under the seat.

"You're not crashing, Tracy just cares. Plus, you're the biggest party animal I know. Well, along with Phil," Doug chuckles as you drive down the street.

"Uh, Alan, right? Tracy's brother?" you ask, holding out your hand out to the short chubby auburn haired guy sitting in the passenger seat. He certainly doesn't have any similar physical genes to Tracy. He turns around, staring directly at your face without saying a word.

"Okay then," you say, awkwardly dropping your hand.

"You have nice boobs."

"Hey, man, that's stepping over the line. Don't be a creep, please. That's my sister," Doug says.

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