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"What about the one after that?" Stu asks over the phone as Phil pushes the wheelchair Doug is in, Stu walking alongside you guys. Doug sits in nothing but a bathrobe and a sun hat, drinking a large bottle of Fiji water you'd found in the hotel room

"You cannot be serious," Stu says over the phone as you go down the ramp towards the driveway outside the hotel.

"Oh, goddamnit!" he yells, snapping the phone shut.

"What?" Phil mumbles.

"Every flight to LA is booked," Stu says.

"What about in Burbank?" Phil asks as you reach the asphalt.

"Sold out," Stu says.

"Oh, fuck! We can't drive there, the wedding starts in three and a half hours!" Phil says.

"We don't have any other choice," you say.

"Alan, where's the car?!" Phil asks as you reach Alan standing on the road with the luggage cart holding your bags.

"It's on its way," he says, holding his hand on his hip.

"You know what? We can drive there, we can make it, okay?" Stu asks, Phil sighing as he leans against the bar railing. You look over and see Jade sitting on the beach, waving at Stu.

"Just-give me one second," Stu says before running over to Jade.

"We will leave without you!" Phil calls after him.

"Who's that?" Doug asks.

"Stu got married when we were fucked up. We were all there apparently. You three were the best men and I was the bridesmaid," you explain.

"No shit?" he mumbles quietly, watching her before taking another gulp of water back.

"Here," you say, reaching into the side pocket of your bag and pulling out the small container of Blistex, handing it to Doug.

"Put that on. Your lips should be healed by the time poor Tracy has to kiss the damn pruny things," you joke, Doug chuckling as he opens it and puts the chapstick on before handing it back to you.

"Tracy-have you guys talked to her?" he asks hopefully.

"I was about to tell her you were missing when Stu fucking knocked me over because he realized where you were," Phil says.

"Wait-so how exactly is this all Alan's fault?" he asks.

"He slipped fucking roofies in the Jäger," you mumble.

"I thought it was ecstasy," he defends. Doug furrows his eyebrows, shaking his head at Alan.

"Is he missing a tooth?" Doug asks, staring ahead at Stu.

"Yeah," Alan laughs loudly.

"We're still trying to figure that one out," you say as the car pulls up, the valet driver getting out and handing the keys to Phil.

"Why were you wearing a dress when you guys found me?" Doug asks, also confused as to why his non-dress wearing sister was in a dress.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it after you're married. C'mon," you say, helping Doug crawl into the back seat as he sits in the middle, you and Phil wheeling the luggage to the trunk as he opens it.

"Told you he'd be okay," Phil smirks, grabbing one of the bags and sticking it into the trunk.

"Okay, I'll admit you were right," you chuckle, grabbing more bags and helping him stuff them into the trunk.

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