Chapter 8: Me or her?

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*Hey this chapter is for my two friends:  Roseyglow123 and SapphirePresentsHd. Enjoy you two, Im sorry XD this is all a joke please dont kill me ❤


Hours eventually passed by since then, me and Rarity were still drinking. Rainbow on the other hand fell asleep after drinking way too many beers.

It was somehow adorable to watch her sleep, but I still haven't forgotten the way she acted a while ago when Rarity joined us. I wonder what's wrong with her?

But everytime I stare at my rainbow haired freind, Rarity will always make me look back to her. We were both drunk at the time so I just followed everything she says.

It seems like that almost all of the people left a while ago since its now getting dark outside, leaving me, my friends and those 2 girls who kept yelling at each other in the other table near us.

"Darling! You okay?" Rarity asked, snapping her fingers to get my attention.

"Huh? What Rare?"

"You've been staring at Rainbow all day! Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"Nah Rarity.. There's nothin, I promise."

"Well good." She started, placing her hand on top of mine. "I miss this.."

"I missed spending time with ya too Rarity but, I reckon I should go home, its getting pretty late."

"No, no Darling! Please stay.. For a few more minutes please?" Rarity insisted, doing her cute puppy eyes look.

"But I rea-"


"I.. I can never say no to you sugarcube. Fine, I'll go get us a new bottle okay?" I finally agreed before standing up from our table.

As soon I asked the bartender to give me a new bottle of wine, I felt someone tap my shoulder, making me look back to see the two drunk girls from before.

"Hey you~" She greeted in a drunk tone in gee voice.

"Y-yeah? Can I help you miss?" I asked confused before grabbing the wine bottle from the bartender.

"Is that Purple girl bothering you over there?"

"Nah, Rarity's my friend. Why would you think such a thing?"

"Nothing much, except its pretty obvious she's trying to get your full attention to her."

"W-what? What do you mean?"

"I can see the way you look that Rainbow haired teen, it looks like you li-" She was cut off when we both heard someone yell her name.

"ROSE!" Another girl yelled while running towards us, smacking her friend's back afterwards.

"Ow! What the hell Sapphire?!" The drunk girl named Rose growled back.

"Sorry about her miss, she's hella drunk and also an idiot."

"But I am your idiot.." Rose replied after hugging her friend.

"Yep your drunk alright, lets go." She chuckled before pulling her friend back to their table.

They kinda look like love birds to me, I kinda ship them. But what did she meant when she told me how I look at Rainbow? I guess she's just drunk as heck .

I just shook my thoughts away as I walked back to our seat, placing the wine bottle on the table after.

"What took you so long Darling?"

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