Chapter 15: Coincidence

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I just stayed silent as I continued looking at her drinking coffee, still in shock yet excited for some reason. But why is she here?

Her exact same attire was the one I saw back at the entrance, so I wasn't hallucinating about her. But I gotta admit, she looks prettiest than usual and its making my heart go faster.

Now that the crowd in front of me left, I lastly took a deep breathe before walking up to her seat.

But what slightly disturbs me aside from the fact that were both here coincidentally, is why is she alone? Did her friends dumped her again?

Im just glad that she's fine after we left her at the bar that day. But with her beauty and such, I wonder did any boy's talked or threatened her like what happened to me and Rainbow?

After I finally made it to her table, I casually placed my hands on the empty seat in front of her to act sorta cool.. Like Rainbow.

"Hey gorgeous." I winked, making her look back at me. "Why so alone?"

"Oh hey Applejack, w-why are you here?" She replied with a weak smile, returning looking back to her coffee afterwards.

"Rainbow's gonna treat me a snack to cure my hangover but.. I suddenly found you here, seating alone."

"Well yehey for you Darling, I hope you and Dash had fun last night." My friend mumbled before taking another sip on her coffee.

It was obvious that she's angry at me and its making me feel guilty inside. I knew I should have gon' with her the night but Dash tricked me into another one of her flawlessly executed acting skills.

But not gonna lie, I kinda enjoyed my time with her BUT that isn't the goddamn point! What matters is Rarity is safe and hopefully fine.

I just let out a soft sigh before pulling the chair to make way for me to seat on, placing my hand on top of hers afterwards.

"Rare, you mad at me sugarcube?" I asked with my puppy eyes move, causing her cheeks to slightly reddened.

"Slight Applejack, just a tiny bit." Rarity giggled, finally giving me that cute smile of hers.

"T-that's fair, I guess.." I started before lookin' into her diamond eyes. "Look Im sorry that I wasn't able to take ya home that night sugarcube. Its just.. Dash, she tricked me again."

"It's okay Darling, I can defend myself from any threat, especially from boys that wants to touch me."

"Well y'all can't blame em', if Im one of those boys I cant resist on hiting on ya sugarcube." I complimented with a warm smile.

"I- Oh shush Darling! Want a coffee?" The fashionista blushed while looking the other way to cover her red shaded cheeks.

"Nah Im fine Rare, what are you doing here all alone?"

"Well If you must know.. I was with  Countess and the girls but we kinda got separated while shopping for dresses."

"Oh, can't you just call em'?"

"I tried but they won't answer me. They probably have bad signal or something.. And now, Im all alone."

"Hey.. You ain't alone, you got me right?" I said after placing my hand on her shoulder to make her face me.

"Y-yeah.. Hmp! But Im still mad at you for leaving me." She replied in a cute grumpy tone while crossing her arms on her chest.

"Aww shucks, Im really sorry for that Rarity. What will it takes for you to fully forgive me?"

After I removed my hand from her shoulder, she finally shifted and faced me right in my eyes, causing this strange feeling come up to my chest.

"Hmm.. How about a playdate at my house!"

"Seriously? Rarity come on.. Were already 19 for Celestia's sake! You-"

"Hmp! I guess you dont want me to forgive you."

"No, no! Its just.. Don't you think were too old for this?"

"Of course yeah but dont you wanna re-experience some of our youth? I mean we already do have one in planned right?"

"Eeyup.. But still, I can never say no to you Rarity.."

"Aww thank you Darling, your kind cute ways never changed a bit."

"And your cute face, your fashion sense, and your childish mind is still there. So, when will we do this playdate of yours?"

But before Rarity could even reply, we heard a familiar voice called my name beside me which made me and Rarity look back, only to saw the same Pink jumping teen.

"There you are Applejack! I guess you already saw the surprise." Pinkie laughed.

"W-wait, surprise? You brought me here for Rarity?" I asked confused.

"Yep! I noticed you two were super close during class so when I saw Rarity over here, I brought her to this place by her free will!"

"But you just forced me to go here-"

"Sshh child no! You got here by your own free will and now you get to spend time with Cowgirl jack!"

"Its Applejack, Pink-" I was cut off when I heard another voice coming this way.

"What's going on here?"

"R-rainbow! There you are sugarcube." I chuckled, standing up from my seat to confront her.

But instead of facing me, she immediately grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to her, making me gasp in slight shock.

"What's she doing here?" She whispered into my ear.

"Who, Rarity?"

"Heck yeah, I thought she got banged by those boys in the streets?"

'Don't be such a jerk Dash." I growled back as I gently pushed her away.

"Nice to see you too Dash." Rarity added while giving Rainbow an.. Angered look?

After clearing my throat, I slowly approached Rarity and reached out my hand for her to accept.

"Wanna join us in our table Rares? I mean if you wanna."

"Sure Darling, anything for you." Rarity smiled while placing her hand on mine, helping her get back up afterwards.

I dont why Rainbow's actin' like this, she was just cheerful a while ago but when she saw Im with Rarity, her expression turned from happy to upset. I wonder why?

"Mind if my friend stays at our table pinkie?" I asked, pulling Rarity slightly closer to me.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" She lastly cheered before running back to the counter to grab our drinks.

I just place my hand around Rarity as we started to make our way back to my friend's table while Rainbow followed from behind.

I know this was supposed to be our day but I cant resist on being with Rarity. And yet, this weird feeling suddenly came up to my chest, paired with something called guilt.

Dealing with my two friends is kinda difficult for me cause Rainbow is kinda against Rarity but she's actin' weirder than usual.

I wonder why? Is it something I did?

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