Sick Is Good

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I left the barn, running for help. 

" Mr. Scott! HELP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

" Ashley?" Mr. Scott looked at me confused.

" WATSON ATE POISION BERRIES!" I yelled, tears trickled down my cheeks.

" Oh no. Where is he?" Mr. Scott followed me to Watson's stall. Watson's coat was covered in sweat and pain was in his eyes. He let out a low moan and grunted with sickness.

" Get a the grooms, and call the vet, tell them it's an emergency." Mr. Scott ordered. I nodded, and quicy as I could got the grooms, and took my phone out of my pocket. 

" Hello, Dr. Janet Watson ate some posion berries and its an emergency." I said holding my phone in my shaky hands.

" Okay, I will be right there hang on." I hung up my phone and checked back up on Watson. 

" I called the vet, they will be right over." I said, trying to fight the tears that keep slipping.

" Thankfully you noticed, otherwise he would be in no condition that we could save his life." Mr. Scott said putting some water on Watson's back. I nodded, knowing that if it wasn't for me, in the morning Watson would allready be dead, or minutes away from it. He would have had a slow painful death.

The vet's car came and she walked into his stall. She gave him special paste, pills, shot and cream to help Watson. I stayed out fo the way, while they helped Watson. Once in a while I would have to hold him or got fetch things. Watson looked at me wishing that I could pet him. It was soon dark outside, I know that I would have to return back to my dorm soon.

" Ashley, we have got this. Watson will be alright. We will have people checking in on him and so far we have done all that we could. I nodded. Tears started burning at y eyes again as I walked back to my dorm. 

I walked through the door pratically having a panic attack. 

" Ashley, You look pale. What happened?" Chloe sat next to me on the edge of my bed.

" Its..... Watson...... He..." I started balling my eyes out again before I could get the words out.

" What happened to Watson?" Chloe asked.

" Natalie wanted r-r-revenge and she said she would hurt Watson." I cried.

" But, she didn't." Chloe finsihed.

" N-no, She tried to kill him." I put a pillow over my face to cover my scream. Chloe took the pillow away.

" Wait how?" Chloe seemed shocked as I did finding out.

" She fed him poision berries and clumps of dirst to choke on." I said trying to calm down.

" Is he okay?!" Chleo asked. 

" I told Mr. Scott and he had a vet come over. They said that he will be upset, but fine." I said sniffling.

Chloe pulled me into a hug and let me cry on her shoulder as I told her the rest of what happened, with Amanda and Windy.  The next day, Luke kept on asking me whats wrong nd why I have to see Watson so bad, I told him I don't want to talk about it at school, and he will findout soon enough. 

I raced to Watson's stall. He looked better, not as sweaty and he was asleep and resting peacefully. I let out a huge sigh, not knowing I was holding in my breath. Watson is alright, thank god. 

I opened the stall door and walked inside. Watson's eyes fluttered open, he groggily took a few steps towards me before doozing off.

" Well Watson I better let you sleep then. You must have had a rough night." I whispered to him. Watson's eyes were close, but his ears were pointed at the sound of my voice.

Natalie walked in the barn and got Danish all tacked up.

" You could have killed him you know!" I snapped at Natalie. 

" I know, you killed Windy, and I got to try at Watson." Natalie said shrugging. " Its a win win." 

" Watson didn't do aything to you, you tried to show off and started galloping. Your horse tripped and fell. NOT. OUR. FAULT." I yelled at her. Watson turned his head at me, wondering why I am getting all upset. He let out a soft nicker, reminding me that he is here. I kissed his cheek and rubbed his neck.

" Honestly what do you think would happen? I am a dressage champion and I am from England. Its not my fault you haven't seen riding." Natalie hissed at me, she was really getting on my nerves. I took the malalasses bucket and dumped it all over Natalie. Natalie let out a shirek as goo slid down her fancy England chlothing.


" That is exactly why I don't spend all kinds of money, I SAVE." I laughed as Natalie shut Danish's stall door, leaving all his tack on him and strormed to her dorm to change. 

" I would hate to be her." I wispered to Watson. " Malasses doesn't wash off very easily." I smiled at him. He was still sick, but getting better. 

" Really glad your okay Watson. Good thing we are not the ones late the our lesson." Watson snorted awake and then started snoozing again. Watson and I got exused from Today's lesson. It was good, because we both needed a brake from practicing. Even though the show is comming up in one month. Watson and I still have time to papare and get more practice in. 

I am so glad that Watson is sick, this is honestly the best news ever. He will recover and heal. The vet stopped bye again and check on Watson. Watson is doing better.

" Make sure that Watson has plenty of fresh water to drink, make sure not to cold or warm." Dr. Janet said. " Also give Watson these pills, put in his grain, Mr. Scott told the grooms about how you were going to be repsonsible about Watson's grain." 

" Okay, that all sounds good to me." I said.

" Watson is a great horse, and he is lucky to have such a owner who loves him so much." I smiled Watson looked into my eyes and kissed my plam. I laughed as his wiskers tickled me.

" Watson I think you need to shave." I said jokingly. Watson turned away from me and started gobbling some hay up.

" Thanks for checking on Watson, it means a lot that you would just drop everything and rush over as fast as you could." I said. 

" Just doing my job kid, And its my pleasure." Dr. Janet handed Watson one last sugar cube before heading out.  

Honestly I am the lucky one, that I have Watson and he sick and not worse. Watson means everything to me, and if I lost him..... I don't know what I would do. I kissed Watson and rubbed his  striking white Blaze.

Watson Was my favorite horse, My only horse, He is mine, and that is how its staying that way. <3


Hey! Hope you all loved this ending as much as I do! Its sooo sad & cute!

Anyway YAY Watson is getting better, and will be fine. Luv you all, Night my lovies! Like and comment! 


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