Chapter four: Trying

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(Edd's POV)

Tom has been missing for over 6 hours now. There was no note and some of his stuff is gone. At first, I thought he had just gone out for a walk or maybe to get some things, but I can only think of the worst.

Matt has been trying to calm me down with Cola and random television shows. But truthfully, I'd rather not watch vegetables be brutally murdered right now.

"What if Tom is dead?" I blurted out loud suddenly.

"...I'm sure he's fine." Matt replied, eyes still focused on the screen.

"Maybe your right...but what if-"

"Can you stop? I'm trying to watch a show here."

"I guess you're right. I should stop worrying so much. Wherever Tom is, I'm sure he is fully capable of taking care of himself. He has survived up until now so I'm sure he-" I looked over to see Matt gone. I glanced around and saw him eating bacon in the kitchen.


"What? It didn't have your name on it this time!" Matt complained.

"No not that! You just left while I was having this big speech and- Wait a minute, YES IT DID HAVE MY NAME ON IT, THE STICKY-NOTE IS RIGHT THERE!"

"NO IT ISNT!" Matt crumpled it up and threw it behind him.



(Tom's POV)

I looked around for my clothes and knife, but all of it was gone. I tried the door knob and it was locked. I sat on the bed, thinking things over. I didn't know what to do and I had nothing on except for a shirt, boxers, and socks.

I ended up making an escape plan in my head, it was pretty carefully laid out. At least I thought so.

I stood in front of the door again, I placed my hand on it and knocked.

"Knock knock, can I come out?" I asked.

Nothing. It was worth a try.

But that wasn't the complete reason I knocked, I was checking to see how thick the door was. It seemed pretty thin, I could probably use my shoulder to ram into it and knock it down but I don't want to risk getting my arm hurt for if I need to use it.

I could kick it down by kicking right next to the door knob which should give me enough force to open it or at least loosen it and hit it down with my fist. But I could hurt my ankle or my leg, which are valuable for running so maybe not. My chances of getting out of here are slim even if I get out of this room.

Maybe I'm over thinking this and I should just go for it. Wow, me? Overthink? Been a while since that's happened.

"Fuck it." I rammed my shoulder into the door, causing a loud noise. I fell backwards dramatically and onto the bed with a grunt. Let's pretend that didn't happen.

I tried again and again and again, but I had yet to get it open and my shoulder was starting to hurt.

Next, I tried kicking it open. I stepped back and stared at where I wanted to kick, I aimed and before my foot collided with the door it opened.

My eyes widened as my foot came full force to some guys poor crotch.

...that's gotta hurt...

"AHH..GOD WHY...holy shit I'm gonna puke...holy-" he dropped to his knees, hands cupping his bits.

"Uh...sorry?" I said with a shrug and stepped over him awkwardly. I started walking away, looking back to see him lying down, still in agony. I shuddered at the thought of that feeling.

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