The Girl Gifted with Silence

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In the bedlam of world,
Where one had to shout to be heard.

There was a girl with no voice,
A case by birth, not a choice.

Like people , she too desired to be heard,
But worldly peroration was not what she wanted to conquer.

Rather she felt mesmerize & hypnotize ,
Hearing people recite ,
The words of AR RAHEEM,
O how it seemed
like an exquisite dream!
As the words poured out from the mouths ,
O how it would  have felt to have Angels as crowd !

Yet broken she felt,
As sadness lept ,
Crunching her heart,
Slowly and steadily tearing it apart.

As unknown she remained,
Oh how badly it would have pained.

To be deprived of the bliss,
To pour out her Rab's words through her lips,
To make the world still and listen,
As she breathe out the love for her RAB & the world stood as witness.

But she was a girl gifted with silence,
But gift was called a flaw  by societal tyrants.

She was laughed and mocked ,
Hammering her hope and resolve .

Her efforts to read ,
Caused cackle to preceed and succeed .

What was noise & funny sound  to people,
Was her way to please her lord  and evade evil.

Heartbroken and dejected,
Like her silence ,her silent tears were also neglected.

Jealousy ,envy and hatred ,
Were the feelings she often cultivated,
But soon she would regret it,

Pleading & prostrating to her lord asking for repentence,
It was then she was enlighten with a lesson .

No doubt people were blessed,
Who in their melodious voice could address,
& Let their love for  their RAB be expressed,
But that didn't mean she was any less,
Cause to HIM what matters is abd 's intention in the breast.

What for world was funny & what world saw as flaw,
Had entire malàikah in awe.

Her efforts and attempts to recite,
Elevated her status in her merciful RAB' s eyes,
Her neglected sobs and late night cries,
Never failed to reach the Heavens High,
Her silences roared in the sky,
Making her status only to rise and rise.

Now she recited the words of her RAB unfraid of cackles,
Her RAB ' s love had freed her from such shackles,
Unhinging the negativity, she decided to sparkle.

Now the birds chirped alongside her,
While the Nature became spectator,
Of how a girl gifted with silence glorified her CREATOR.
This was the tale of  a girl gifted with silence ,
The epitome of resiliance and compliance.


Do share your views about this poesy of mine. I will be highly and deeply obliged😊

Do remember me in and entire ummah in your duas

Faqat e Abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌿

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