The Place we belong🍁

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To belong ,
Isn't that every heart song .

A crave , a desire ,
Burning in heart like an unceasing fire .

Alienated we feel,
A dilemma hard to deal.

Enmeshed with life's struggles,
O' dear, we wait for miracles.

Seeking familiarity of hearts,
Yet fearing it won't be pulled apart.

Connections we form, yet lonely we feel,
A dilemma hard to deal.

But O' how foolish we are ,
Seeking in caves heavenly stars,
Giving our hearts away which was never ours.

A cruel barter we do,
Thus, broken is destiny & fated to be screwed.

O' Heart,
To belong to this world will always tear you apart.

It's neither territory or hearts you belong,
Sujood is where thou belong.

Closest to Almighty, our RABB
Where whispers & tears evaporate ,
& precipitate mercy & blessings

Where we heal,
where dilemmas made easier to deal.
Sujood is thy refuge ,thy home,
Sujood is where thou belong ,
where dilemmas ends & miracles succeeds.


Another poetry of the book. Hope you will all like it .
Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas.

Faqat e Abd e Rahmana,

Assalamuaalaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuhu ☘️

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