This Ain't Cool Ya'll

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*slight swearing/cursing ahead, sorry to the babies 😬

In the late hours of the night, Hoseok and Yuna were in a deep sleep while Yoongi had just woken up. He took his phone to check the time, noting that it was 1:34 in the morning. As he quietly took off his covers, he stood up and opened the door to go straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

While pouring water from the pitcher to his glass, he was shocked to hear a knock from the door. It's literally one in the morning. Who would knock at this hour? To his surprise, as he was walking to the door, Ms. Jang had beaten him to it. She was looking through the peep hole before deciding whether to open the door or not.

"Excuse me." The man from the other side calls, "Is this Ms. Jang's residence? We're the police. Please open the door."

The police? Yoongi wonders. What are they doing here?

As if Ms. Jang read his thoughts, she had asked the same question to herself while facing Yoongi. "Yoongi..." She calls, and to Yoongi's shock, the lady slowly opened the drawer opposite from her, taking out a small pocket knife. His eyes widen, but he did think it was a good idea to be extra careful. They wouldn't know if these were actual policemen or not.

Ms. Jang slowly opens the lock, eventually opening the door to reveal five men, all in police uniforms. "Goodmorning ma'am." The closest police officer greets, causing the lady to greet the same way. "We're so sorry for bothering you so early, but there was a report next door about a crime commited in their house a few hours ago. We have ordered a search warrant," Says the officer, holding up the search warrant in front of Ms. Jang's face, causing the latter to furrow her eyebrows.

"Wait, wait," Ms Jang goes, and while she questions the police, Yoongi's eyes wander to the other officers. "Oh?" Yoongi goes, because out of all the policemen, he only recognizes one of them. "Officer Choi? What are you doing here?"

The named officer's eyes widen enough for Yoongi to notice, but he quickly changes his expression. "Yoongi! What...what are you doing here?"

Something just doesn't feel right to Yoongi..I don't recognize any of these officers...He thinks to himself, and just when he was about to question them, they push past Ms. Jang and enter the house.

"Wait! Hey!" Ms. Jang retorts, but she was left powerless as the officers search up the house. "Officer Choi," Yoongi calls again, holding his arm to prevent him from going deeper into the house. "What's going on?..."

The officer's eyes look around before he lowers his voice down to a whisper. "Yoongi, kid. I advice you get out of here. Don't tell anyone. Just go."

"What? Why?"

Yoongi couldn't even ask him anymore questions as he steps further into the house, going up the stairs with another man.

Yoongi only observes the five, noting that the officer and another man went up the second floor, leaving three on the same floor as him. One in the living room, another in the kitchen, and the last one right in front of Yoongi.

He should have stopped them before they even came in. But he couldn't be too sure...

"Hey," Yoongi goes, catching the attention of the closest officer to him. He doesn't say anything, only looking at Yoongi as the younger boy pretends to be innocent. "Since you're here already, is it okay if you send my regards to Chief Holly? He saved me and my dad once. I really idolize him."

The officer nods his head and says, "Sure kid. I'll tell him when we get back to the station."

When the officer continues searching, Yoongi's fists clench even more, and he grinds his teeth as he tries to calm himself down. "Ha." Yoongi scoffs. "You know what's funny officer?" Yoongi goes, and the officer doesn't even look back to face him. "What's funny kid?"

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