DBZ/RWBY Chapter 1: A Strange Occurrence

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Trunks POV

It has now been 3 days since Gohan's victory against Cell, and all of my friend's and family have gathered around Capsule Corp to say goodbye. Now that I know that this timeline is safe and free from the androids, I should go back to my own timeline and get rid of the androids for good since with my current strength I should be able to take them out with no problem.

"So you're really leaving huh?" Bulma asked, with small tears in her eyes.

"I'm afraid so, mom." I said with a sad smile.

My mom then hugs me, "Take care okay?" Bulma said.

I nodded as I hugged my mom back, "I will mom." I said.

After that I then walk over to Krillin and Gohan.

"I'm gonna miss you Trunks, get back safe okay." Krillin said.

"Have a safe trip home Trunks, thanks for all the help you've given us." Gohan said.

I smiled brightly at the two of them, "Thanks guys."

Then finally I walk over to my father who was leaning back on a tree.

"Dad." I said as I nodded at him, not expecting him to say anything, but I was surprised when he put 2 fingers up to say goodbye to me in his own way.

I then smiled as I put 2 fingers up as well in response. I then hopped in the time machine and started it up as it then lifted up in the air.

I then waved my hand at all of them as the time machine started to slowly disappear, "Bye everyone!" I called out.

"Love you Trunks, take care!" Bulma yelled.

"Bye Trunks! You're the best!" Gohan yelled.

"Later dude!" Yamcha yelled.

"See ya bro!" Krillin yelled.

As I waved at them for one last time, the time machine then finally disappeared as I now traveled through time and space. With the speed I'm going at it should take me at least a couple of minutes.

It's been over 2 minutes when I was traveling through time, It shouldn't be that much longer before I can finally return home and get rid of androids and Cell as well so I can restore peace to my timeline. But before I think more about that there was a alarm that was going off in the time machine as it flashed red all around me.

"What the? What's going on!?" I yelled, as I looked around to see nothing but smoke come out on the outside of the Time Machine and the battery percentage slowly going down.

"Why is the fuel going down!? This makes no Sense!?" I shouted, as I quickly tried to fix the time machine to stop the malfunction it has having, but nothing was working.

"Damn it! I can't stop it!" I yelled, as I could only helplessly watch as the time machine sped off to a unknown destination that was far from it's original course.


I slowly started to open my eyes as I now started to be aware of my surroundings, I slowly looked at the settings on the time machine which was Indeed the correct date. But what could've caused the time machine to malfunction all of a sudden? Before I had left the past I made sure I had enough gas to make it back to the future, but now it's almost empty.

"Dammit!" I yelled in frustration as I now pressed a button to open the hatch, and hopped out of the time machine and opened the fuel hatch to look at the tank canister which was indeed almost out of energy.

"Oh man....this is not good, I don't have enough fuel to make another trip in time and get back to the future." I said now realizing a major problem I have.

Before I started to panic, I then closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Now was not the time for me to start overreacting, I opened my eyes and now started to look around the environment near me and saw that in the distance I was near a city, nowhere near as big as West City but a City nonetheless.

Since it was dark outside I guess it was around almost midnight in this world, I then looked up and was shocked when I saw the moon partially shattered as some of the remains floated around it.

I don't know what caused the moon to shatter like that, but whoever was the cause of that they must have some serious power in order to do that. I don't really sense any particularly high energies around me but for now it best for me to be cautious and keep my guard up.

Looking back at the time machine, I now knew I needed to come up with a plan. First thing is that I'm stuck somewhere in a timeline that I have no idea about, so I need to get much information about this world as possible and maybe ask somebody where I currently am. Second thing is that I'm nearly out of fuel, maybe this world I'm in has some parts to restore the fuel for my time machine.

I then walked up to the time machine and pressed a button which made it beep and turn into a capsule. I picked up the capsule and pulled out a small box of other capsules and placed it in there.

I now started to make my way to the City, I decided that it was best for me to lay low for now and not fly so that I don't raise suspicion to anyone, having a lot of attention on me was the last thing I needed right now.


I was now walking through the City and saw that it was completely vacant, the only thing to see were cars and buildings that was completely different from back in the past.

In the distance I could see a store that was actually open and some people were actually inside there as well. I then smiled as I thought I could finally ask somebody for some directions of the area I'm currently in, then I now started to quickly pick up my pace.


(Play DBZ Kai BGM- Next Episode Preview)

Trunks: Hey it's me Trunks! My time machine malfunctioned, and now I'm stuck in this timeline with no fuel and no idea where I am and somehow the moon is shattered in this world. Man this world sure is weird. Wait a minute is that a girl with a scythe? Were those men robbing that store? I better help her out!

Ruby: So your names Trunks? Hi I'm Ruby!

Trunks: I'm Trunks, nice to meet you Ruby, now let's take these guys out!

Trunks: Next Time on Remnant's Future Time Traveling Saiyan..... "Different World! New Experiences!"

Ozpin: So your names Trunks Brief, Interesting.


AN: Hey guys! I decided to write another story and I'm really excited about writing this particular story.

Anyway If you have any questions about this story or chapter, leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!!!

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