Chapter 1: Aero

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Aurelia heads off to school as usual. He gets to school and morning session is, as it usually is, boring. At lunch, she sits at her usual table in the back corner of ththe cafeteria, when she sees a crowd at the front. She gets up and walks over. She shoves her way to the front and sees a bully beating on a kid she guesses to be new because she has never seen her before. The bully goes to hit her again, but Aurelia grabs his arm and throws him on the ground. He looks at her in amazement, because the girl that he had just beaten up this morning is now going to beat him. He lunges for her but she grabs the back of his neck, spins, and throws him on the table. He slides off the other end and when he stands back up, he is covered in food. He walks up to her and tries to punch her, but she grabs his wrist and punches him three times over. Then she throws him on the ground again.

"If you hit any more kids at this school or any other school, I'm coming after you! If any of you have a problem with another kid, you come to me...GOT IT!!"

They all jump and quickly nod. She then turns to the other girl and kneels beside her.

"You alright?"

The new girl signs in response.

"Yeah, I geuss"

"Here, let me help you."

Aurelia helps her up.

"Get yourself some lunch and cone sit with me. My table is over there."

She points to her table and sees the girl nod before she walks towards the lunch line. She soon comes back and sits down then signs to her again.

"So what's your name?"

"Aurelia Simmons, yours?"

"Aero, Aero Calester. You can fight really well. I wish I could fight like that."

"Thanks and I could teach you."


She signs excitedly.



They finish their food and spend the rest of the day in their classes. When school is over they are sitting on a bench outside waiting for their rides.

"You should come home with me."

Aero signs again.

"Or maybe you should come home with me. You know, help me with unpacking my things. It's getting kinda boring and lonely doing it by myself."

"I will call my mom and ask her."

Aurelia calls her mom and comes back a few minutes later.

"She says it's ok if I go with you. So who is coming to get us or do you walk?"

She signs.

"I walk."

They start walking.

"I bet your surprised u made a friend already. My parents will be ecstatic."

She signs.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I never bring anyone home. They would be in shock if I came home smiling, let alone brought someone with me."

"I would love to see their faces."

They get to her house about 15 minutes later.

"Wow, nice house"

She only smiles at her before stepping inside. Theyes go upstairs and start unpacking.

"I sure could use some music."

Aero signs.

"Yeah, me too"

"Hey, do you like Black Veil Brides?"

"I love them, why?"

Aurelia pulls their new album from her backpack. She smiles and holds it in a way so Aero can see it. She smiles and starts signing excitedly.

"Your kidding! You have their new album?"

"Yeah, here. Put it in."

She hands it to Aero and Aero does a fist pump as she takes it. He puts the cd in the player and they listen to it while unpacking until it gets dark.

"I should be getting home."

"Do you want to call a cab?"

Aero signs worriedly.

"No, I can walk. It's not far from here."

"You sure?"


She says goodbye then leaves. She gets halfway home and a black van pulls up. Three men jump out, grab Aurelia, and yank her in the van.


She yells trying to twist out of their grip but they hold her tighter, almost breaking her arms while the third man punches her in the side of the face, successfully knocking her unconscious.

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