Chapter 4

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The days went by quickly, I made friends with so many people. I had no enemies, and I made the Quidditch team as a chaser. Halloween was around the corner. There was going to be a party.

"Hey Devon, how you been?" I said with a smile.

"Great, just peachy," he said bitterly.

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah, my family is yelling at me, 'Why can't you be just like your brother?' Blah blah blah! I hate my life," he said slumping in his seat running a hand through his hair.

"Hey there has to be something your better at,"

"Like what?"

"Well, for starters, you have me as a friend, your a fast thinker, your strong, smart, and lets not forget you have an awesome date for the Halloween dance,"

"What did you do?"

"Me? Nothing?"

"I'm going to the dance with you?"

"No silly! I got you a date,"

"Agh, Are you playing match maker again?" He groaned out.

"Maybe," I pouted, " But you'll love her!"

"It's Cinder isn't it," he said unimpressed.

"Come on dude, what kinda friend would I be if I let my only gal pal to go alone, and what kind of friend would I be if I let my guy pal to go dateless."

"Your right, as usual, but who are you going with," he asked.

"It's a surprise," I said putting a finger to my lips.

I yelled across the lunch room, "Hey Cinder, he said Yes!"

"Yay! Thanks Em!" She squealed.

"No problem! Happy for you!"

Devon gave me a questioning glance.

"Come on, I know you like her,"

"Yeah, your right."

"Well, I promised I would check on someone, cover for me at history?"

"Sure thing,"
I went quickly to the restroom, went into a stall, and then teleported to Hogwarts.

I went out of the stall, "Hey Myrtle," I say to the moping girl.

"Hi Em!" She said smiling at me cheering up.

We had some small talk and then I excited the bathroom.

Hmm, Draco said he'll be here, hmm oh idea.

I went to the Slytherin common room, I saw Draco sitting at the sofa deep at thought.

I smirked,"Drakey-poo! I missed you!"

"Go away, Pansy!"

"How rude," I said crossing my arms.

"Oh Em! It's you!"

"No it's the Easter bunny," I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" He asked.

"Shouldn't you be with Hermione," I pointed out.

"I can't hang out with her, I gave her the necklace but people start to threaten to tell our dad," he said sadly.

"I can take care of that,"


"Bring me all the Slytherins," a few minutes later all the Slytherins walked into the room.

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