Chapter 11

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Jotaro lead Tenmei down to be beach and they walked silently for a while. Both enjoyed the peaceful sound if the waves crashing ashore. The sun was low on the horizon and soon the sky would burst with the colors of a seaside sunset.

Jotaro had every intention of making this walk last through that sunset. Once they settled into an easy walk, he pulled out his pack of cigarettes and lit up.

Tenmei looked up at the sound of the lighter and quickly caught the scent of cigarette smoke. "Those are bad for you, you know?"

Jotaro felt a smile tug at his lips, "As you are fond of telling me."

Tenmei smiled, "Oh? So, this is a long-time habit?"

"Yes and no. I did quit for a while."

"I see."

"Are you feeling better? Things were getting a bit overwhelming in there."

"I am. Thank you. I've wanted to know what happened since I woke. The only clue I had was a terribly damaged notebook. Tenmei, or, Noriaki, was all that was visible through the rips and blood stains. Not to mention, just being around you and Mr. Jostar is causing little bits and pieces to come back. Like this, us walking together, talking. It feels so familiar and comfortable." Tenmei explained, looking back up to Jotaro, "Tell me, Jotaro, you said we were friends. Were we very close?"

"I...I like to think so. I felt closer to you than to anyone else. Really, I've never felt that close to anyone since."

"It must have been very hard on you. Being so young and having to deal with all of that. Then loosing so many friends. I can't imagine how that must have affected you."

"It...wasn't easy. I kept the photo and your earrings to remind me. It helped. I missed you, Noriaki. You have no idea how much. I am very glad to have you back." Jotaro said softly.

"Well, I hope I live up to your memories of me."

Jotaro chuckled softly and they walked quietly for a bit before Tenmei's curiosity piqued again.

"Jotaro, you told me about your career and research, but...what about you? Do you have a family? Spouse? Children?" he asked.

Jotaro tensed and stayed quiet another minute before answering, "I, umm...I was married and I have a daughter. My wife and I recently divorced."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. How are you handling it?"

Jotaro shrugged, "I guess I should have seen it coming. I care about her but I can't say I was ever in love. Not really, not with her. She's a wonderful woman but..."

"Not who held your heart?"

"No. Definitely not who holds my heart."

"What about your daughter?"

Jotaro gave him a genuine smile, "She is the most beautiful creature on earth. Stubborn, full of snap and snarl. The old man says she's too much like me and she's only four."

"It is said that parents pay for their youth through their children. How high of a price do you owe?" Tenmei asked with a wink.

Jotaro laughed, "A very high price. I'm hoping her mother's youth will balance it out a bit."

Tenmei laughed with him, "Oh, I hope to meet this little Jojo one day."

Jotaro stopped and turned to face Noriaki, "Jojo?"

Tenmei's eyes widened, "Oh, is that...I just...I..."

"It's fine. Don't worry. It's just...been a long time since you called me Jojo."

"Technically, I was calling your daughter Jojo."

"You called her little Jojo, which would imply that I am big Jojo."

Tenmei rolled his eyes, "Do not argue semantics with me, Mr. Kujo."

"I'm not. Just pointing out that you remembered something else. No one has called me Jojo in a very long time." Jotaro said.

Again, Tenmei was caught off guard by remembering some small thing without realizing. He let go a small huff of laughter and shrugged, "It's so strange to know things and not know that you know them."

Jotaro made a face, "That...makes no sense."

Tenmei elbowed him playfully, "It makes sense to me."

"Of course it does, Noriaki." Jotaro said. He grinned when the redhead made a face at him. "So, what about you? Spouse? Children?"

"No. Neither. Not that baba hasn't been introducing to every pretty daughter of every friend he has. I've just...I was afraid I left someone behind. We guessed my age but, what if I woke up one day and remembered a wife and child? I just...I couldn't let that fear go." Tenmei said.

Jotaro nodded, "I can understand that. You're 27, by the way. You'll be 28 in two months."

"That's nice. It's always good to find out you're younger than you thought. I don't suppose you can confirm or deny the existence of a wife or child?"

Jotaro laughed, "Well, to be honest, we didn't know each other terribly long but I didn't peg you as the kind of guy to have either at 17."

"Oh! Well. Baba will be relieved. He can start over with the dinners." Tenmei said with a laugh.

"You'll be married before you actually see 28."

"Ugh, no. Not happening. I refuse."

"Dedicated bachelor?"

"Oh, not at all. I just...well. It's silly, actually." Tenmei said with a blush.

"I doubt that. You never did anything for silly reasons. Well, nothing important, anyway."

Tenmei offered a shy smile and nervously tucked his hair behind his ear. "I just feel like...I'm waiting for someone."

Jotaro reached up and took the noodle of hair from behind the redheads' ear, pulling it back in place along his cheek, "Do you think you will find them?" he asked softly.

Tenmei found himself trapped by those ocean eyes again, "I have no doubt." he whispered. Jotaro's eyes seemed to be getting closer. Like a cold splash of water, he realized what was happening. He immediately panicked and turned his wildly blushing face to the sunset, "AHH! The...uhh the sunset is lovely.'s beautiful. Don't you think?"

Jotaro stood frozen for a second, shocked out of his haze and more than a bit disappointed. He blew out a sigh and shook his head, "Yeah. The umm...sunset is very beautiful." He replied as he watched Noriaki's profile in the fading light. He couldn't stop himself from leaning close to the redheads' ear and whispering, "It doesn't compare to you, though." and thinking to himself, 'Way to go, dumbass. Real smooth.'

Tenmei was sure his face would catch flames and it was everything he could do to keep a stupid looking grin from forming on his lips. He let himself go enough to take Jotaro's hand in his and rest his head against the taller man's shoulder as he continued to watch the sun sink into the ocean.

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