Chapter 53

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You woke up to the blaring noise of the morning announcement. Your eyes widened opened and you realized you were still in the chair that you slept in. You looked around a bit and saw that Kokichi had already left. You got up from your chair, feeling a slight ache in your shoulders from sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

"Alright... let's get this day started with." After you got ready, you went to the dining hall. Inside, a few people were already there. Kaito, Kirumi, Rantaro, and obviously Kokichi. "Good Morning." You greeted, with a quick nodded and sat down.

"Good Morning (Y/N)." Rantaro greeted back.

Kirumi walked over, "(Y/N) is there anything you would like while I'm preparing breakfast?"

"Umm...I'll just take some (Favorite Drink) for now thanks." You gave her a smile, "You're really helpful Kirumi! Really, thanks!"

"It is no problem, it is a maid's duty to serve." Kirumi said politely. "But your words of gratitude mean a lot (Y/N)." Kirumi bowed and then went into the kitchen to get you your drink.

Ryoma walked in soon after and upon seeing you he said, "Oh, you survived the night with Kokichi after all? He seems like a handful."

"Ryoma! How could you, I'm the nicest person here!" Kokichi argued back.

You scoffed, ignoring Kokichi. "Yeah, I lived." Soon enough, Himiko and Tenko walked in as well. Although, it was mainly only Tenko who was talking. Kirumi returned with your drink, and one by one everyone else walked in.

"Guys! Let's go try the manhole again today!" Kaede shouted walking in. An immediate silence followed afterward, no one was able to speak against it. "I'm sure we can do it this time!"

"Are you stupid?" Kokichi asked, tilting his head.

There's the anger I was waiting for.

"Huh?" Kaede sounded.

Kokichi stood up from where he was sitting. "You're free to try on your own, but forcing us to join you is torture!" Kokichi shouted. I glanced a bit at everyone else's faces, and they were just as shocked as the first time. "No matter what we say, you always have the moral high ground! So you won't let us give up! Doesn't that sound like torture to you?!"

"I... I didn't mean too..."

"Shut up you degenerate male! Stop picking on Kaede!" Tenko shouted.

Kaito nodded his head, "I agree! Take some responsibility as well!"

"N-no it's fine. It doesn't bother me." Kaede said nervously, "I should've been more considerate of everyone's feelings, I'm sorry."

"Well... if you're sure it doesn't bother you..." Kaito muttered.

"Cool beans! We understand each other now!" Kokichi grinned.

"You were the one to start accusing her, were you not?" Keebo asked.

"Upupu! Getting along I see!" Monokuma laughed, as he appeared. Tsumugi shouted, and with that Monokuma announced the next motive... the first blood perk.

Rantaro scoffed, "Pretty Clever Monokuma, it's the prisoner's dilemma." You listened carefully to Rantaro's explanation of the "prisoner's dilemma" all over again.

"I've had enough!" Kaito shouted as he lunged for Monokuma. You heard the collective gasps from everyone else, at the same time the Monokubs cheered and fired their exisal Monokuma.

"Well...looks like Monokuma is in pieces." Ryoma noted, staring at Monokuma's broken body.

"I would not rejoice so quickly, I'm sure a spare will appear momentarily," Kirumi said that, but no spare appeared. The Monokubs insisted that there wasn't a spare, while Kokichi and Angie rejoiced at the fact that the killing game was over.

"Guys wait... I don't think this is it." Kaede started to protest.

Kokichi pouted, "Stop being such a buzzkill Kaede! We're still annoyed from yesterday!"

Kaede looked deeply hurt by those words, and after Angie and Korekiyo said similar things, she ran out of the dining hall. You shook your head in disappointment, feeling bad for Kaede, but it wasn't like you could do anything to stop it.

Soon enough, after Kaede everyone else had dispersed as well. You let out a sigh, contemplating what you should do. I'll... talk to Rantaro. I need to figure out if I'm okay with letting him die.

You wandered around the school a bit, looking for the Ultimate Survivor. He sitting was near the fountain, and with some reluctance, you decided to go walk up to him... "Hey Rantaro, you don't mind if I join you right?"

"Not at all, I'm just relaxing right now," Rantaro responded.

You sighed, "Do... you think this killing game is over yet? With Monokuma gone and all."

"It would be nice if it ended like that, but I doubt it." Rantaro commented. "How about you?"

"No... I feel like that would be too easy." You let out another sigh. The two of you remained silent for a bit. You were questioning exactly how you were going to determine whether or not you'd be okay with him dying.

"(Y/N), did you remember your talent yet?" Rantaro suddenly asked.

You shook your head, "No... not yet." That was when an idea popped into your head, "I've been thinking about other things honestly."

Rantaro looked at you questioningly, "Like..?"

"Well..." You faked the hesitation. "Honestly, it's this same train of thinking. I keep saying to myself that I would rather the entire world disappear and not exist than have to die in a killing game."

"I see..." Rantaro commented, clearly not knowing what to say to my thoughts.

You closed your eyes a bit in nervousness, "What about you Rantaro? What would rather happen?" I'm letting you decide Rantaro, whatever you say next... I'll go through with it. For being my friend last time, I owe you this much.

Rantaro hummed a bit, thinking about the question. "Probably die."

"What?" You blinked.

"Well, I don't know what non-existence would feel like, but if its the entire world... that means my family or whoever I cared about wouldn't exist as well." Rantaro explained, "Plus, whatever my talent is, all the work I put into that would just disappear as well."

"That's..." You struggled to come up with a point to say, "That's a good point Rantaro. Thanks for answering." Your voice sounded a little broken, but you hoped you were covering it up well.

Rantaro looked at you, "Not that I plan to die. I'm going to end this killing game soon. Don't worry."

You forced a smile, "I hope you do Rantaro. Thank you." Thank you for a lot more than you'll ever know.


Honestly nothing I'd rather do the night before my birthday than update this honestly. A bit short but.... I think it's important.

How do you guys feel about (Y/N)'s decision? To let Rantaro decide... although I suppose he didn't know what he was deciding.

Anyway though, as always...


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