Chapter 10 - Ameri's theory! And ambiguous ambitions!

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There are six grades in total and currently 666 students enrolled. It was the early morning of dawn as students heard shattering glass in the distance. Three demons caused the ruckus and only one of them held a baseball bat near a window like he was getting ready to pitch. Amidst these trouble makers, one group needs to supervise and maintain the peace. Virtuous, yet cold-blooded elite demons.

The intimidating redhead tapped the guy with the bat and when he turned around, she punched then kicked the guy as if she was in a comic book. She glared at one of the goons with an intimidating glance. "S-Spare me!" he said as his finger fidgeted and so did his whole entire body. With no hesitation, she underkicked the goon with the heel of her boot at his head and collapsed on the floor. She let out a shallow breath and stepped the demons on the ground with one foot. These ruthless demons are called the student council.

"Demons shouldn't do such misdeeds. If you do" She made her way to the nearest wall, kicked back her leg, clenched it tight, and released it with such a powerful kick that the wall cracked, then crumbled into bits. "at least break down a wall"

Mara noticed this unexplainable scene and was absolutely... fascinated! Her eyes sparkled and couldn't contain herself any longer. She was about to call for her but was soon interrupted by a bunch of fangirls from the crowd. She tried to make her way through but when she made it to the front-she was gone. That is when Mara made her vow that by the end of the day, she will speak to her.

"President, we have reports on Suzuki Iruma and Mara Valentine" One of the council members said.

"What's your report?" Ameri asked.

"We've noticed that Iruma nor Mara isn't at class. We and by that I mean all the council members investigated the tree but it seems harmless. This... thing is described as fluffy and warm. It's also the most popular spot to be."

"This tree is said to be somewhere from the human world but I highly doubt that's possible" the other council member added in.

He laughed, "Hah Humans! A ridiculous theory, right president?"

They might treat humans like child's play but unlike them, she believes they exist. Only a few higher rank demons know of their existence but In ancient times, humans would perform rituals to summon demons and form contracts with them in exchange for a price. Though the question remains, are Iruma and Mara humans? They reached the student council as the president and the other members departed. She closed the door behind her and made her way to the bookcases. She doesn't theorize that humans exist, she knows they exist and there is reliable evidence within these bookcases. Ancient texts that her father entrusted to her and is kept a secret from the other students. She moved some books aside until she saw a clear ritual symbol. It started to glow orange when she touched it and the bookshelves moved to the side as she stepped back. She picked up one of the forbidden texts that have been recorded in the human world and with one gulp, she opened her eyes and opened the book.

There are no words to describe what she just witnessed, she silently gasped and squaled to herself and gawked at these beautiful images. She took in and let out multiple breaths because she can not contain herself. "I can't read these letters, so I have no idea what it says... but I'm so curious!" She looked at the images again then gasped at a sudden realization, "I... I let myself be enchanted!" This forbidden text possesses terrifying powers! It appears as though this girl is in love with this boy... but he made her fall in love with him just by bumping into her?! I-Is this how powerful human charms are? Is it? She gasped again. No, no, no, no, no! but... she reconsidered the thought that maybe... this isn't so bad.

Iruma was sweeping shattered glass outside of the botany tower where the cherry tree bloomed. It was the right thing to do after the commotion he caused earlier. "Thank you very much for helping, Iruma-kun" Mrs. Suzie said.

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