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It can go one of many ways for many people.
Some go down a route, and end up happy and stable in life.
Some go down a route of struggle and hardship but see the good in the end.

And some,
Some don't even go down a steady route.
They fall.
While they're falling,
They're hoping.
No praying, for someone or something to break their fall.

When they stop falling,
Some realise it's the end.
There is nothing more.

Some open their eyes and wonder why they stopped after they've been falling for so long.
Then they realise they're mid air.
They can see the bottom.
They can see the end.

Then they realise they're unmoving.


Giving them time to think,
To look back on life, on everything.
They can continue with the fall and have it all end,
Or break away from it.

But how?
How can they break away when there's no one to turn to?

Then they see.
See someone holding them.
Somebody catching them just before the inevitable happened.

Life has thrown this person in to save them,
To help them.

As that person is holding them,
They feel and know that this one being will never let go,

That's life.
Giving you a second chance.

Life throws people in at moments when you need them most.

Accept whoever it is and let them help.

Let them help you live your life again.


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