2. I Want to Help

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Two days later.

I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come in," I called. The door opened and Bondy walked in, beaming. I found his smile contagious. "What's got you in a good mood?"

"This," Bondy replied. He pulled a Manila envelope out from behind his back and put it on my desk.

"What's this?" I asked, opening it.

"The report from the medical examiner," Bondy said, grinning. My eyes widened as I looked at Bondy in disbelief. We weren't expecting this until tomorrow. "I know! Feels like Crimbo, doesn't it? I already read it and it's quite fascinating. Do you want me to summarize it or would you like to read it on your own?"

"Both. I want to hear it from you first and then I'll read it when I have time."

"The remains are that of Erica Foss, a 29-year-old woman from Seattle. The strange thing is that she hasn't been reported missing. The team is working on notifying her family. They determined she died two weeks ago, the cause of death being blunt force trauma to the head. Her skull was bashed in by what they presume to be a baseball bat."

I winced. "Jesus," I said under my breath. I tried to imagine the last few minutes of her life. I can't imagine the fear and pain the poor woman went through.

"I know. And it gets worse." I swore under my breath, my mind thinking of all the possibilities—none of them good. "Her body was cut up into pieces before being stuffed into the suitcase. The person we're dealing with is a sick fuck."

"Was any DNA evidence found on her body?" I questioned.

"They collected some blood, hair, and fibers. Even the stuff under her nails. I'm afraid we won't know until later."

This was my least favorite thing about work. Finding out how the victims died. Some stories kept me up at night and I'm pretty sure this will be one of them. I considered drinking until I was numb tonight but it was only the middle of the week. Bondy would definitely know if I've been drinking.

Although this job is mentally and physically taxing, catching the person in the end makes all the stress and sleepless nights worth it. The high would last for weeks and was much better than any drug you could take. I was addicted to chasing those highs—addicted to the point I'd turn into someone I didn't recognize. I knew it wasn't healthy but I couldn't help it.

Bondy left soon after so I could delve into the report. I pored over the papers spending hours picking it apart. By the time I looked up, it was time to go home. I grabbed my bag and got ready to head home. On my way out, Joe grabbed my arm.

"I told Bondy already but I managed to find her family—or what's left of it anyway. Both her parents passed away years ago from health issues so all she has left is her sister. She agreed to come in for questioning tomorrow at 10 AM. Is that too soon?" Joe asked.

"No, not at all," I answered. That didn't give me much time to prepare but I was excited. Never did I think everything would happen so soon.

"Perfect. That's what Bondy said as well. I'll let you go then. Have a good night."

"Thanks. You too."



I didn't sleep last night which was expected. I didn't have anything to quell the horrible thoughts that flooded my mind so it kept me up at night. I woke up with bloodshot eyes and bags under my eyes. I guess I should've drank yesterday. I'd look like shit either way.

I quickly made my way towards my office, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I didn't want anyone to see me in my current state. I needed caffeine right away. After dumping all my stuff onto my desk and chair, I walked off to the break room to make a brew. I drummed my fingers against the counter as I waited for the water to boil. The tea bag was prepped and I had my milk and sugar ready.

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