10. So Are We Good Now?

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The crime scene investigators went through the car with a fine-tooth comb. Bondy and I watched from a distance as they went to work. They were very thorough, catching things the normal eye wouldn't see and thought of things that would never cross your mind. We watched them for half an hour, talking to each other, trying to piece the last moments of her life.

She went to the grocery store, bought groceries, put them in her boot, and never came back. We talked to the city and neighboring businesses to see if there was any video footage but none existed. This one had us scratching our heads. There was no visible sign of a struggle. It's like she just walked off. Was the killer someone she knew? Did the killer feign needing help to lure her? It seemed like we would never know.

Bondy and I left so they could work without our watchful eye. Plus I was getting bored.

"We need to ask Peter why Erica was using his car. He said it's been a year since he's last seen her," I stated.

"When did he say that? I didn't read it in the report," Bondy asked me. I suddenly paled, realizing I just gave myself away and Bondy instantly caught on. "Lily told you, didn't she?"

"Yes," I answered simply, not wanting to expand further. There was something about his reaction that I couldn't put my finger on but I didn't let it bother me. Hearing her name reminded me that I had some questions to ask her. "Bondy," I said slowly. "Ask Joe if he has any information on Amanda's family and close mates. We'll have to question them. And ask Joe to bring Peter in again."

"What are you doing then?" Bondy questioned, arms crossed.

"I'm gonna question Lily."


I dialed her mobile phone but it went straight to voicemail. I couldn't tell if she was doing it on purpose or if she was truly busy. I heard the tone and began speaking.

"Lily, this is Van from SPD," I said, pausing. "I have some questions to ask you again. Please let me know when you're available. Thanks." I hung up and sighed, fighting the urge to call her again. If I did, she'd think I was desperate which I was but I didn't want her knowing that. Why did I have to be so aggravating sometimes? It has definitely come to kick me in the arse this time. I had to fix things between us and I wasn't gonna wait around for her to call me back. I was going to look for her and I knew just where to find her.

I stared up at the flat, making sure I had the address right. I should really work on my penmanship but I think this is the place. The lobby was secured, where residents were the only ones who could access the building unassisted. I stared at the sign on the door and pressed the buzzer to talk to the lady at the front desk.

"Metropolitan Apartments, how may I help you?" the lady asked cheerily.

"I'm Van from SPD. I would like to question one of your residents," I answered.

"Okay...." she trailed off, peering at me from her desk. I waved and smiled at her. She got up and walked up to the door. "Can you show me your badge?" she shouted through the door. I took my badge out and showed her and she opened the door to let me in. "Does the person you're looking for know you're here?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No. If I did, she'd run." The lady glanced at me nervously and I felt the need to clarify. "She's not in trouble. I just need some information from her."

"Do you know her room number?" she asked.

"Room 311." The lady beckoned for me to follow her and pressed the button to go up in the lift. There was a soft ding and the doors opened. The lady swiped her card on the reader and pressed 3 for me. "Thank you," I said softly.

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