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Renjun was mad at Mia and more than that he was mad at his own self because he knew he had no right to be mad at her.

He was mad because he hated how Mia was all dressed up and pretty for a blind date which easily could have been someone that was not him. He thanked the stars above that Mark had asked him to tag along on this one than their other friends.

"I can't believe out of all the people, it had to be you," Mia scoffed and nudged him with her elbow to which he rolled his eyes.

"It's not like I'm extremely happy that it is you, out of all the people." Lies. He was extremely happy that it was her. After their date- no, outing at the gallery, he had realised that he often thinks about Mia and it doesn't help that they share similar interests and humour.

Yes, he still found her annoying but he had to admit that the girl did live in his mind rent free.

"Calm down, you two" Charlie rolled her eyes and Mark grinned at them.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I go by the name of Mark," Mark said as he gave his hand out to Mia for a shake.

"Nice to meet you, Mark, but I cannot believe you guys set me up for this trap!" She replied with the last part being directed to her friend.

"Oh come on, help me out with this one, I promised to cover for you, right? Plus, remember our phone call, you said you needed to move on from somebody, so this is all good for you." Charlie smiled and turned towards Mark who was already looking at her with soft eyes.

"Wait a minute, what? Who do you need to move on from?" Renjun jumped in.

"No one you know," Mia mumbled quietly while looking away hoping the boy wouldn't catch her lying since she knew he was good at reading her.

"You're lying, when did you start liking somebody?"

"He's so good at reading you!" Charlie grinned, thinking about how she was such a good friend to set her friend up with the perfect guy.

"No one you know," Mia mumbled and prayed Charlie would stay quiet but of course, her prayers didn't work.

"Oh, you know him! He's your friend?" Charlie nodded and looked at Mia for confirmation who was glaring at her, silently asking the older girl to shut up.

But of course, Charlie didn't understand it and instead took it as a sign to continue thinking about how Mia is always glaring at someone and how Renjun must be strong to be able to handle all of this.
"I don't remember the name exactly, he studies music? What was his name?"

"Kun?" Mark questioned

"Ah yes! Mia has a tiny crush on him" Charlie smiled

"Ahh, you should've told this to me sooner, I would've asked him to cone here instead of Renjun" Mark smiled and Renjun choked on the soda he was drinking.

"Sorry, went into the wrong pipe," he mumbled while Mia was still blushing thinking about Kun and his perfect self.


Renjun was sulking.

Out of all the people to like, she likes Kun!? Renjun thought to himself as he kicked a pebble while waiting for Mia and Charlie who were hugging each other goodbye as if they won't ever see each other again.

Only he knows how he survived that egregious dinner. After Charlie exposed Mia, Mia scolded Charlie about how she didn't follow the girl code and Charlie tried to explain how she thought Mia's crush on Kun was momentary to which Mia agreed (thank god) Then Charlie and Mark announced that they've decided to take a walk on beach to spend more time with each other and asked the other couple to join which both of them declined hurriedly.

"Let's go" Mia turned towards Renjun after waving Charlie and Mark goodbye and started walking after the boy nodded at the duo.

Renjun was being awkwardly silent, Mia thought.

Is he weirded out by me liking his friend? Mia thought as she tried to peak at him without turning her head.

"What are you doing?" Renjun asked her after watching the girl twitch her neck for about 20 seconds.

"Nothing. My neck hurts, I must've slept in a wrong posture last night" Mia quickly replied and Renjun nodded.

And, the awkward silence was back.

Renjun rubbed the back of his neck as he thought of whether he should address the elephant in the room or not.

"So, um," Renjun started "YoulikeKun-ge"

"Like is far too big of a term, he's just my ideal type" Mia smiled shyly and Renjun rolled his eyes. Damn Kun for being so perfect.

"I didn't know you liked older guys" He said as he tried to think of Kun's flaws.

"Age doesn't really matter to me"

"Oh, Kun-ge is not that great though," Forgive me, Kun-ge "He- he uh, he buys people too many gifts" Renjun mumbled and mentally cursed himself for saying that

"Really? That's so sweet of him! In my childhood I never really received any gifts so hearing this about him is so nice!" Mia smiled and sighed

"He, he- the food he makes is too oily!"

"Renjun, stop saying stupid things. He cooks and that's enough, do you even know how to hold a spatula?"

"Excuse me? I'll let you know I'm an amazing cook." Renjun huffed

"Oh are you? Then why did Chenle post this?" Mia snickered as she showed him Chenle's WeChat moment post where the caption was "He burnt the ramen too 💩😭😭😭"

"You're with Chenle on WeChat as well?!"

"Well of course I am, he's a really good friend"

"Y-you, you're everywhere!"

"You're the one who introduced me to him, idiot!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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