#4 PT2 Ahsoka told them

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"Master Yoda me and Ahsoka finished evacuating the Senate building." Anakin relayed

"Good bring the Jedi on gunships. I will finish the war we finally will." Master Yoda responded

Soon Master Yoda on the gunships with the Jedi Council, handpicked Jedi Knights along with the 501st Clone battalion, 212th Clone battalion and the Wolf pack began their short trip to the Senate building. Waiting on the landing platform was Ahsoka and Anakin awaiting the rest of the Jedi and Clones.

"If Ahsoka wasn't here I don't know where I would be. She's family, she's my sister. I need her to guide me I feel like if she didn't come back from Mandalore when she did things would have gone a lot differently." Anakin thought

"Anakin, Ahsoka where is the Chancellor?" Obi-Wan asked

"Now he's in the main debate room waiting for the meeting that we're going to insead of the Senators." Ahsoka respond with a quick high five from Anakin

"Come on then let's go!" Master Windu interrupted

After Mace Windu's interruption all the Jedi and Clones began to run to the Senate Chamber while they were running they saw flashes of what looked like lightning and loud banging followed by a chackling. Once they arrived the all spread out in a circle around Palpatine in his main Senate pod. One after another all the Jedi ignated their lightsabers while the Clone Troopers tried to get to Palpatine.

"Foolish Jedi you will never defeat me!" Palpatine roared

"You are under arrest, Chancellor!" Windu yelled

"I told you Anakin! The Jedi are taking over!" Palpatine reached out for Anakin

As soon as Ahsoka figured out that Palpatine was trying to get Anakin to join him, Ahsoka deactivated her lightsaber and began running towards Anakin.

"I have the power to save you love from certain death." Paplatine begged "Join me Anakin together we can bring peace and balance to the Republic."

Once the Chancellor saw Ahsoka running towards Anakin, Palpaine sent a burst of force lightning towards Ahsoka trying to stop her. Before Ahsoka could pull out her lightsabers to even have a chance, a defecting the lightning hit her, throwing her against the wall.

"AHSOKA NO!" Anakin yelled running towards her "Snip no please you can't leave me I need you!" "AHSOKA!" Anakin yelled cladding Ahsoka beginning the cry

"Master." She got out "Go beat that Sitht.. Scum.." She answered up sitting against the wall

Anakin receiving the hint from Ahsoka he joined the rest of the Jedi with their lightsabers lit. Once Anakin's lightsaber was lit again Obi-Wan ran back towards Anakin to fight by his side for possibly one last time.

"Together this time Anakin." Obi-Wan wisopred

"Together." he responded


"No. No. You have lost!" Palpatine harshly responded

After Palpatine's response he shot force lightning out at everyone of the Jedi some reflecting it back some not making it. All the remaining Jedi reflected the force lightning back at Palpatine, Obi-Wan and Anakin both smiling at eachother.

"Ahhh Jedi you will never win!" Palpatine yelled "You can never defeat the Sith!"

Just as Palatine responded all the Jedi began to move closer to Palpatine causing his force lightning to come back stronger towards him. After continuing, all the remaining Jedi were so close to Palpatine that all of his lightning being reflected towards him became too strong. Palpatine began to fall apart almost like crumbling, breaking apart and floating away.

"Anakin we did it!" Obi-Wan told Anakin embracing him

"We did it Master together!" Anakin respond hugging him back

All around then you could see all the Jedi and Clone troopers alike hugging each other celebrating the ending of the war. Anakin and Obi-Wan then run up to Ahsoka bringing her into a close hug.

"Masters you guys did it!" Ahsoka said excitedly

"We couldn't have done it without you Snips!" Anakin said "Master, Ahsoka I have something I need to tell you guys. I'm married to Senator Amidala. I have been since Geonosis." Anakin admitted

Instead of a response from Obi-Wan he hugged Anakin. Anakin was completely shocked expecting a lecture from his former Master but instead getting a hug?

"Master you know we have all known for awhile the whole 501st and 212th have been keeping it a secret." Ahsoka admitted

"Skywalker!" Windu yelled

"Uh oh.." Ahsoka whispered

"Skywalker! You did it! We defeated the Sith!" He smiled raising his hand for a high five

Everyone around them looked at Mace Windu puzzled that one of the most serious Jedi gave a high five smiling. Anakin especially was shocked his whole life he had been so rude and closed off to everyone especially Anakin. But, here was another side of him no one has seen before today.

"ANAKIN!" A woman's voice called out turning a corner

"Padmé?" Anakin called out back

Moving away from Master Windu, Anakin ran towards Padmé hugging her spinning her around. Both smiling and laughing together happy.

"SKYWALKER WHAT IS THIS?" Windu asked becoming his old stern self again

Around them you could hear all the Jedi and Clone Troopers alike sighing at Windu's response to Anakin and Padmé. Before another word would come out of anyone's mouth Master Yoda walked over.

"Known this whole time about Skywalker's attachment. Sensing the Senators' babies I do strong in the force they are." Yoda began

Everyone was shocked that the GrandMaster of the Jedi knew about the Skywalker's secret but, again Anakin was not very discreet sneaking out or when he saw the certain Galactic Senator.

Soon the Skywalker's babies were born to two healthy babies, a boy and a girl Luke and Leia. Soon after the Jedi Order changed the old outdated code. Leaving the Jedi happier than ever.

                                                                                    THE END 

NOTE: I hope you guys enjoyed this sorry about posting a bit late. Send me a request you have for the next chapter! ~Waffle 484848

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