Part 5

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As he placed the two bottles of Heineken to the men sitting at the bar, Calum couldn't avert his gaze from the table in the back left of the bar. The music was playing, as well as the variety of sporting games shown on the TVs, but his attention was on Josie, who sat at a round table with a bunch of women she had introduced him as her co-workers from the salon. It wasn't too busy of a Wednesday night, mostly people who were getting off from their jobs and wanted an afterwork drink, but even when Calum had something to do, his eyes kept wandering back over to Josie.

He knew it wasn't the trick of the lights or anything like that—it was just her. In all her damn beauty sitting there, drinking and laughing and reminding Calum of all the reasons why he kissed her that night in the first place and reminding him of all the reasons why he shouldn't do it again. He couldn't ever admit it to his friends, or her, but Josie was always the prettiest person in the room in Calum's eyes. Her bright blue eyes and brilliant smile that accentuated the apples of her cheeks always drew Calum in, until she herself had him wrapped around her finger. And she didn't even know it.

She was on her third drink by now, starting off with a mojito before switching over to margaritas, and Calum felt a sense of responsibility by keeping an eye on her. He could tell she was tipsy, as were her friends, chattering away at the table with giggles and grins, not unlike some of the other patrons in the bar. As Calum wiped down a spot, he felt a smile tug at his lips without much thought as he heard the familiar sound of Josie's laugh from the table; light and airy and one that had become his favorite without him even realizing it.

He looked up in time to catch Josie sliding off her stool and making her way over to the bar, a lazy smile on her lips as her eyes met his. Calum put the rag on his shoulder, hands bracing on he wooden bar top as he raised an inquiring yet knowing eyebrow at Josie. "Hi, Cal," she greeted, a melodic drawl in her voice as she folded her arms on top of the bar, leaning forward. She was wearing a fitted tank top with a ripped denim jacket over it, and Calum was fighting the urge to have his gaze wander to the low neckline of her top. "Can I get another marg?"

Calum raised an eyebrow, wondering why she was about to get one mojito and four margaritas deep on a Wednesday night. Her sweet, tipsy smile on glossy lips was pretty, but he still felt a healthy pang of concern. "There a reason why you're drinking so much on a Wednesday?"

Josie's eyebrows lowered as she pouted, and Calum bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at her. There was a pretty flush on her cheeks, and as her silver hoop earrings danced lightly, Calum wondered what happened to the fourteen year old girl who hadn't yet discovered her love for cosmetology and jewelry and who had more of a love for clothes similar to her brother's than what it was now.

"I grew up."

Her words from that night echoed in Calum's head, and his throat worked as he tried to push it away.

"I thought bartenders weren't supposed to be judgy?" Josie responded, tapping her nails against her arm as she peered up at him.

A half smile curled at Calum's lips. "I'm not judgin'—I'm worried," he clarified. Still, he pushed himself away from the counter to prepare her drink, slowly.

Josie clicked her tongue. "Don't be. It's all good. Just having fun."

He wasn't sure if he believed that. So he kept watching her as she returned to the table with her drink, enjoying the company of her friends, especially when one of them ordered a round of shots that Calum wasn't too pleased with giving them. Josie didn't look... Destructive as she drank. She genuinely looked like she was having a fun time with her coworkers, which made Calum feel as though his worry was unnecessary. He wasn't too sure why he felt troubled, wasn't even sure if he needed to be, yet he kept an eye on her. She was his friend, he cared about her more than he could properly comprehend, and he knew Josie never drank for no reason.

Who's Gonna Love You Like Me? [Brother's Best Friend!Calum AU]Where stories live. Discover now