Part 8

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"Josie—got a cutie waiting for you in the front." Josie glanced up at Sarah's words, pulled out of her conversation with Lizzie as she swiveled in the leather salon chair at one of her stations. Her eyes caught sight of Calum leaning against the desk, her eyes immediately meeting his as he raised two fingers up in a wave.

Josie excused herself from Lizzie, walking down the length of the salon with her eyebrows raised and a surprised smile curling at her lips, not expecting him to drop by. "Hey," she greeted with a small laugh, glancing at the receptionist, Maddie. "I'm gonna step out real quick."

Maddie hummed in response and Josie grasped Calum's wrist, pulling him outside for some privacy. Talking amongst Los Angeles pedestrian traffic was better than in front of all her coworkers, even if they were some of the chillest people she'd ever met. The sun was bright, as always, and Josie let out a laugh as Calum pressed her against the brick wall next to the window of the salon. "Hi—what're you doing here?" Josie greeted.

Calum smiled, his frame shielding Josie from the sun as he gripped her hips. "Wanted to see you real quick and ask you somethin'," he responded, pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. Josie inhaled sharply as she kissed him back, the smile evident on her lips. When they pulled away, Calum raised a hand to curl his finger around a stray lock of her blonde hair, his grin never leaving at Josie's curious expression. Brushing his nose against hers, voice dropping low, Calum asked, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Josie's heart jumped at his words, her grin widening as his finger brushed along her cheek. Her own hand had reached up to play with the chain around his neck, an accessory she thought he worked unfairly well, as she bit down on her grinning lip. Her cheeks were already hurting from the grin on her face, excitement coursing through her veins. She felt silly, being so thrilled with the simple question Calum asked her, but she would be lying if she said it wasn't one she had been waiting for.

"I would love to," Josie responded, feeling a warmth spread in her cheeks under Calum's gaze. She kind of loved how he so easily made her blush.

"Great," Calum smirked, hips pressing against hers. "You're off tomorrow, right?" Josie nodded with a hum. "Alright—I'll pick you up at your room at five."

She scoffed out a laugh. "Five?" Josie asked with a raise of her eyebrows. "It's a bit early for dinner, isn't it?" She normally ate at seven, years of classes interfering with her schedule having an effect on when she ate.

"Not for what I've got in mind." Calum chuckled, winding his arms around her waist to keep her close. "None of that dinner and a movie bullshit. I got somethin' planned for us." He pressed another kiss to her lips before murmuring, "Alright, get back to work."

Josie smiled, pressing her hands to his chest, reluctant to move away from him. But right before she did, her smile turned coy. "Just so you know—I'd totally be fine with a dinner and movie with you."

He grinned as she pulled away, heading back to the door. "Noted."

For the rest of her shift at work, Josie couldn't help but think Calum was a bit of a tease. She loved that he had been impatient enough to arrive at the salon to ask her on a date in person, loved the few kisses they stole before she had to go back inside. But concentrating on her next few clients had proven to be difficult, to busy trying to school her features to hide the wide grin that threatened to erupt at the mere thought of going on a date with Calum. Her excitement buzzed at her veins, crackling like electricity, and she wondered what he had planned for the two of them.

Later that night, when Luke was in his bedroom getting ready to turn in for the night, Josie was leaving the kitchen to go into her own when Calum entered the living room, his shift for the day a short one. Josie's eyes widened in excitement at the sight of him, making sure the water didn't spill from her glass as she quickly ran over to him and grasped his hand.

Who's Gonna Love You Like Me? [Brother's Best Friend!Calum AU]Where stories live. Discover now