Chapter Three: The Girl

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Alpha Andreas POV:
    We are now at home in the conference room of the pack house. My son's and I, along with many other pack officials, are here discussing what we have discovered about David's pack. "So, you are telling me, that not only is she terrified of anything and anyone, but she seems to be special. What do you mean by that?" I ask my son calmly. He looks timid before he answers.
    "Uhh, father, what I mean is she doesn't seem to only have one timer, she has two. And neither have started yet, so I assume she hasn't yet reached the age of sixteen." Everybody gasps as he says this. Two timers is something that has never been heard of unless...

     "Alright, everybody out except my beta, my sons, and I. No arguing, I am sorry, but we must be discreet about this until we know what is going on. Now, go." Everyone nods and leaves the room. I wait patiently until a gaurd mind liks me saying the coast is clear. I sigh as I look at the three people before me. I turn to my son and think for a moment. "Are you one-hundred percent positive you saw two? And why didn't you ask her age, it seems to be a simple question, do you even know here name?" I ask him as I get up and start pacing. It helps me think, don't judge.

    He scratches the back of his neck nervously before responding. "Yes sir, I assure you I saw two, she freaked out more when she saw that I noticed. And I apologize for not getting her name or age, that is why I just call her blue." Ahh, now that he mentions it, it does seem fitting for her.
     "It is fine I suppose but I think I know who she is, Crimson, can you go call your aunt for me and see if she can get over here and soon?" He stands up and heads for the door.

     "Yes father, should I inform her of the situation?" He turns around and I look at him. Should I have him tell her? I think it would just be best if he says it is important.

     "No, just inform her that it is about an important matter. I wouldn't ask her unless it was necessary." He nods and walks away. I look at my son Ryder and see he looks deep in thought. "Ryder, what is the matter son?" He looks up at me before looking out the window.

      He looks at my beta, Austin, and gives me a pointed look. I nod and look at the beta. "Hey Austin, can you do me a favor and see if you can figure out who this girl is? If need be find our best hackers to figure it out." I order. He responds with a nod and walks out, but before I can ask my son again he midlinks me, "umm. Alpha, how will I know it is her, I dont know what she looks like or a name." I sigh and give him here description and tell him he can't miss her. I then turn pack to my son and give him a carry on kinda look.

       "Yeah I'm fine but, I feel connected to blue, like she is the most beautiful girl I have seen, but my time is still counting down, do you think she could be my mate?" He asks looking back to me slowly. He looks serious, but I dont know how if his time is still counting down but hers hasn't even started, unless she isnt of age yet.

       "Woah, woah, son just calm down. It is possible if she isn't sixteen yet. I will have to look into it further son, but do not worry." I say, he looks like he is going to respond, but Crimson comes back, so he just goes back to looking out the window.

       "I got ahold of her and she said she would be here in a few hours, if not before then. She said she needs to inform her pack that she had a family emergency." He says smiling. I wander if they could both be blues mate. I mean, they share everything else in life so it wouldn't be surprising.

       "Go inform the pack that my sister is coming and everyone shall be on their best behavior. Also inform the omegas to please set up the guest rooms for me, and be sure to say please, omegas are precious." I say sternly, they both stand and head out the door to inform everyone.

       I sigh as they walk out and think, is this the beginning to an end, or is this gonna end well. I guess only time will tell. I get up and head to my office to do paperwork for the next few hours. As I walk down the hallway people greet me with respect and I nod back to them all. I reach my office and get paperwork and begin to fill it out.
  A few hours later...

       "Umm, Alpha, your sister is here. She is coming up the drive now." One of my pack warriors mind links me and I look at the clock, damn, I did not know that much time went by. I sigh as I finish up the last of the paper work and head down stairs.

       "Ahh, David, how is my big brother?" She asks as she walks forward to give me a hug. I chuckle as I hug her back, it's only been six months since I've seen her last but, I missed her.

       "Awe little sis, I missed you too. How is the life of being a Luna? I know it's been years but I still wanna know. Any issues?" I ask look at her. She smiles and nods.

       "Things were rocky at first but we are okay now. He just had to get used to not having todo everything himself. You know, but I love it. And thanks for asking, but how are you?" She says with a small chuckle, I smile back as I reply.

       "Things are great now, it has been hard since my mate, Carolyne, has died, but we have adjusted. The boys still haven't found their mate yet, well not that we know of at least that is actually why I asked you to come here. Catching up is great and all but can you follow me up to my office?" I ask and wait for a response. She nods but gives me a look that is only described as questionable.

       We head up stairs and make it to my office. I open the door and let her in first. Once we are in and sat down, I light a cigarette and sigh, rubbing my temple as I feel a headache coming on. We sit in silence before she breaks it. "So why am I here, if it is not for a family reunion, it must be important. Just spit it out." She says growing agitated. I sigh standing and began to pace.

      "Growing up, do you remember the story mom would tell us?" I ask her, to which she responds with a nod. When I do not continue she motions for me to go on. I suck in a breath and try to figure the right words to say. "Well, you know how she said it was a prophecy or whatever, but everyone said it was just a myth? Well, I think it is real, and I need your help finding the prophecy." I rush out all in one breath. She looks like she is in deep thought but before she can respond there is a knock at the door.

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