New Friend

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That's what Mila Fuller looks like, played by Aubrey Plaza

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That's what Mila Fuller looks like, played by Aubrey Plaza

Mila's POV

After chatting with Nathan, I decided that I should start making friends here. At first I was shy because what college student wants to befriend someone who is practically as old as their parents? Nonetheless, I'm sure there are some people here who are cool enough to want to hang out with me.

The guy who made the World War I joke seemed cool. He reminds me of a typical class clown, but he also doesn't seem like a jerk.

Maybe I will eventually run into Nathan's daughter and try to befriend her, but I also have no idea what she looks like.

I just know that I'm too old to be hanging out with frat boys and joining a sorority, so I'll just stay away from that.

My thoughts get interrupted when my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and see my mom is calling me, I roll my eyes before answering. "What?" I ask harshly.

"No hello? You were raised to have manners, young lady!" I shake my head, already annoyed by her bullshit.

"I have manners to people I respect. Not that you raised me anyways..." I mumble the last part, but she hears it clearly anyways.

"What did you just say to me? I am your mother!" I roll my eyes again.

"Why did you call me anyways? I have work to do." She huffs over the phone.

"You're seriously attending college at your age? How pathetic." My anger starts to rise.

"Well, mom, I would've gone sooner if my junkie parents didn't spend every single paycheck on a bunch of different drugs!" I start to yell, I'm so tired of hearing her slurred voice.

"You cannot blame everything on us, Mila! You have to take responsibility for yourself, too!"

"I do take responsibility for my own actions. But unlike most other people in the world, I had to work two shitty jobs for 12 fucking years so I could finally get a higher education and do what I love the most in this world. I don't want to grow up hating my life and turning to substances just to feel better." I then hang up, not wanting to hear her stupid response to that. She makes me so fucking mad, I wish I could just never speak to her again.

My phone starts to ring again and I roll my eyes. I look and there's no name, just a number. I sigh and pick it up, hoping it's just a telemarketer. "Hello?"

"See? She can say hello when answering the phone!" I hear faintly on the other side of the line. I roll my eyes, knowing it's my dad now.

"Why are you so insistent on calling me?" I ask.

"We can't just call you because we want to hear your voice?"

"You never call me because you care about how I'm doing. What is it this time? You want more money for your dealer? You need me to beg the insurance company that you didn't actually cause that car accident? I can go on if you'd like." My father sighs.

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