Chapter 1: The Calling for the Academia and Preparation to Leave the Nest

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Seventeen-year-old Moira was a rising senior in her high school, Green Lily Academy of Natural Sciences. Having a special interest in chemistry and physics, Moira would often spend her afterschool hours in the school's laboratory, helping her teachers read other students' reports on their weekly scientific experiments. That particular day in early autumn, however, was different as Moira was too excited about Neesa's return from her internship program to pay attention to her extracurricular activity.

"Ms. Roberts, could I be excused this afternoon? My cousin Neesa is coming home from a long trip and I want to properly welcome her back. Please?" Moira asked her science teacher, praying that her words did not come across as too forceful.

The older, bespectacled woman with chestnut brown hair smiled at her and, after calling Moira's aunt to confirm the news, gave Moira the green light to leave early. "I see that you are very eager to see your cousin again. You have my permission. Give your cousin my regards and don't forget about an assignment you have due next week!" Ms. Roberts chuckled and sent the young lady off after making sure the laboratory was spotless.

Moira rode her bike as fast as she could, humming her favorite tune, all the while thinking of all the questions she had for Neesa. Reaching home, she ran upstairs to Neesa's room, uncharacteristically ignoring her aunt's greetings, and as she had hoped Neesa was already there, spinning in a comfortable office chair, her face buried in a thick book. Moira sneaked behind her and tugged at her pony tail.

"Ouch! What did you do that for?" Neesa pouted but immediately turned cheerful as she realized it was none other than her beloved cousin. Moira grinned and plopped herself on Neesa's bed, hiding under the blanket. Neesa pulled the blanket back and started tickling Moira's feet, laughing triumphantly.

"Hey Neesa, you should tell me all about your trip because I have been daydreaming about it since forever but unfortunately Aunt Zoe said our family could only afford to send one of us abroad. I am so jealous but I figured I could live vicariously through you. So? Spill the tea!" Moira shouted in glee, legs kicking in the air. Neesa just shook her head and grabbed her cousin's wrist, dragging her downstairs into the dining room.

"Sure, but let's do this over tea and snacks, okay? I haven't eaten yet and I have the munchies!" Neesa playfully complained.

Neesa's parents, Aunt Zoe and Uncle Martin, were already waiting at the table with a few slices of apples and oranges. Neesa grabbed a piece of apple and pecked them both on the cheek. 

"Alright, folks, you know I had a wonderful time in Red Sycamore as you could see from the millions of pictures I emailed. But I understand it's better to hear it straight from me, isn't it? So, where should I start? Should I tell you about this amazing opportunity I heard from a leading researcher I really admire?" Neesa began talking at a rapid-fire speed while munching on the apples, disregarding her mom's disgusted face.

"You met a researcher? You mean your internship did not only allow you to shadow a graduate student but also connect you with someone renowned in the world of biochemistry?" Moira interrogated Neesa with envy apparent in her voice.

Neesa nodded and showed everyone the book that she was reading earlier. "See the author of this book, Dr. Kinoya? I got the honor of meeting him when my group toured the residence halls at the Blue Orchid University on the first day of our orientation. Apparently, a student of his had invited him to a potluck dinner, but he was kind enough to greet us foreigners as well! He was the nicest!" Neesa waved her hands around, becoming more and more animated, and her words came cascading like a waterfall.

"Slow down, kid. We are not going anywhere!" Uncle Martin scolded, followed by his wife's discreet yet naughty smirk. Neesa blushed and tried to catch her breath, annoyed, but not wanting to argue with food in her mouth.

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