Chapter 3: Kenta's Special Flowers and Moira's Library Job

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Moira woke up to the sound of Aunt Zoe shouting that breakfast was ready. After washing her face and brushing her hair, Moira dashed down the stairs to eat the brown sugar oatmeal that her aunt had prepared. Neesa was already gone, her friend picked her up last night for a sleep over and the two had a plan to go to the movie, leaving Moira behind as she still had her training with Kenta. Uncle Martin was already on his usual morning jog around the block. After thanking Aunt Zoe for the nice oatmeal, Moira made her way to Kenta's apartment with her backpack and lunchbox. Aunt Zoe had packed enough lunch for two people.

Moira parked her bike and rang the bell to Kenta's apartment. Kenta greeted Moira with a cup of hot black coffee, smiling in his reindeer sweater. He had done something different with his hair as it was now slicked back with pomade instead of hanging loose and covering his eyes. He looked very dashing even in casual clothing. Moira was sure that whoever dated Kenta must be very lucky to have such a handsome partner, but then again Kenta could be single.

"Kenta, you looked stunning! I like your new hair style!" Moira stood mesmerized.

"Thanks! I suppose I'd like to be presentable and dress the part now that I'm going to mentor you. I was worried I'd give off a pretentious air or something, so I'm relieved that you complimented me." Kenta became self-conscious and reflexively touched his hair. "I told you yesterday that I'm going to show you the Crimson Yeast. I have a collaboration going with the local arboretum here and so they let me borrow one of the greenhouses for a while. I'll give you a ride there. By the way, have you ever been there?"

Moira had only been to the arboretum once, when Uncle Martin brought tickets for the whole family last Christmas when the arboretum had Neesa's alternative favorite rock band playing. The rock band, which had released indie albums full of songs about camping out in the forests, wasn't Moira's cup of tea but Uncle Martin wanted her to be a supportive cousin, so she went half-heartedly but it was worth it because, once the performance was over and they all retuned home, Neesa awarded Moira with a new pair of jeans that she had an eye on.

"Yeah, I have been there but I didn't pay much attention to the plants themselves because there was a band playing and the music was loud and it was terrible but my cousin was a big fan of the band and so I sucked it up and daydreamed," Moira told Kenta her memory as the man started the car's engine. Kenta's car smelled of orange blossom and rose, a combination that made Moira felt sleepy. She almost drifted off when Kenta called her to put on the seat belt.

The drove to the arboretum was a short one and Moira spent the majority of it trying not to doze off. Kenta did not try to make small talk, seemingly only thinking that Moira's sleepiness must be a result of the girl having to wake up earlier than even for school.

"Okay, Moira, we're here!" Kenta shook Moira awake and took her seat belt off. Moira rubbed her eyes and blushed, then jumped out of the car. Kenta led the way to the greenhouse and Moira could see through the transparent walls that there were rows upon rows of something red.

"Before we go in, Moira, I need to warn you that even though this is a greenhouse, it is not the warm and comfy type. This greenhouse is used to maintain a temperature that is cold enough to prevent the ice from melting. You remember Crimson Yeast grows on ice, right? They would wither if the ice melts. I know that it's still winter but I plan to carry on my study way past winter break, that's why I need a temperature-controlled setting," Kenta inputted the password to his greenhouse while Moira put her hands to the sides of her eyes, tiptoeing and peeking to get a closer look at the red flowers, studying the shape of the petals and the vibrancy of their color.

"I hope you have brought your camera with you, but in case you forgot I have mine too. I want you to take the pictures of the flowers from several different angles, got it? I will pick the best pictures to edit and feature in my submission to this journal I'm writing for," Kenta said as he started adjusting the thermostat. Moira nodded and pulled her camera, moving closer to the display of Crimson Mushrooms and analyzing which angle to shoot from first.

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