Chapter 3: duel

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Emma and Cassie had gone out to the courtyard after classes to get some fresh air.

"Are you scared?" Asked Cassie, "I mean, what if he goes through with his threat?"

"I kinda doubt it. He's just a little pathetic greasy man who hides behind his entourage and daddy's money", Emma rolled her eyes.

"Is that what you think of me?" She heard from behind her. Emma instantly regretted what she said.

Emma and Cassie turn around to see Draco walk out from behind a tree.

"Was he stalking me?" Emma thought.

"Uh- I" Emma stuttered. He laughed and pulled out his wand. He looked as though he was going to cast something.

Before Emma could think about what to do, she pulled out her wand and yelled "Everte Statum!" before he had time to do something to her. Draco went flying backwards.

"Oh my god, Emma!" Cassie stood there with her jaw dropped. Part of Emma felt good that she did that but she soon started to feel bad. She raced over to him to make sure he wasn't badly hurt.

"Ah", he rolled over on the ground. Emma crouched down beside him. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that"

"Really? Then what were you trying to do?" He half joked.

"I don't know. It was just the first thing that came to mind"

Draco sat up and looked at her. "That's twice you've stood up to me. Are you sure you aren't a Gryffindor?", he almost gagged at the thought of me being a Gryffindor. Or just the thought of Gryffindor's existing in general.

"Was Draco making jokes? Like, is he actually trying to have a friendly conversation right now?"

"Those were both irrational responses. I'm not usually like that", Emma explained.

Draco stood up. "Huh. Nice to know I make you act out irrationally", he remarked.

"Why did this sound like... flirting? Is that what this was supposed to be? No. There's no way. Draco just loves being a sassy little toe-head"

"Ha, ok", Emma smiled awkwardly, "well, you seem fine so I'm going to go now"

She turned and walked back towards Cassie, who was now looking at her with confusion, when she heard Draco once more from behind her.

"One more thing", he said. Emma turned around and saw his wand pointed at her. "Everte Statum!" He shouted the same spell back. Emma's body went tense as she flew back a few feet before hitting the hard ground.

"Ow!" She screeched. Cassie had rushed to her side frantically asking "are you ok? Emma! Are you hurt?"

"Ah, I'm fine", Emma groaned.

She looked past Cassie to see Draco smirk at her before walking away.

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